Hello, future husband - Huening Kai

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A/N: This week, you're ready to pivot.

The week begins on Monday, July 8, when Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini and your house of physical movement. Aries, you are in motion (more than usual). You might be excited about a new project or rushing to finish something ahead of schedule. You could be getting ready for a trip. Siblings or cousins could be involved, and lots of communication is floating back and forth through messages and phone calls. It could be quite a rush.

On Friday, July 12, Jupiter in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. Now your thoughts turn to the future and where you want to be a month from now, a year from now, or even farther into the future. You might be time-traveling ahead to see what you need to do to get what you want. This is a good time to make a plan, gather information, and be informed.


Yuna and Huening Kai were walking one day when they can see the moon glistening beautifully above them. 

"Wow, check out that wonderful moon!" Yuna chirped. 

"Yeah, it's amazing!" Huening Kai said.

The twoi stared at the moon before looking at each other. She blushed as she tucked her hair piece in her ear. Just one smile is enough to make her heart pound like crazy. 

God..... my heart is about to burst if he keeps looking like that. 

She took a deep breath before they face to face. He took one stop closer and as he touched her, she started to get a bit dizzy and her eyes have started to glow. 

Hey honey! I'm home! 

Oh, hey Kai! 

The two of them kissed on the lips as they smiled. 

How's my beautiful wife doing? 

Great, what about you, my husband? How was practice?

It was busy as usual. However, I have some amazing news to share.

Oooh! What is it? 

Wonyoung and I.N are getting married! 

No way! How come I've never known about this! I'm their best friend too!

Maybe they're still a little bit shy of announcing that to people. 

Then all of a sudden, some footsteps can be heard racing around in the kicthen.


Cobryn! Itsuki! 

He held up two sons as they were laughing and smiling together. 

Guess what, guys? Your uncle Jeongin and auntie Wonyoung is getting married! 

Really? Are you serious?!?! 

Yeah, your father told about it and you guys are welcome! Everyone is! 

The two boys eyes were sparkling with excitement and they squealed as she took Itsuki from Kai.

Her eyes started to change back to their own color and a tear of happiness escaped from her eye as she looked at him. 

"Oh Huening....." She smiled.

"What? What's going on?" He asked confused. 

"Nothing..... you're just-----" 

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