Yoona's fashion advice - Y

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A/N: This week, the signs around you are clear.

The week begins on Monday, July 15, with the moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius and your house of financial matters. It would be very easy to lose your temper about a money matter today. Capricorn, you might be obsessively looking for money you think is lost. But you can find someone to help you if you're patient and calm. And you might find that what you think is lost is just temporarily misplaced.

On Friday, July 19, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your house of romance and love. A date today could turn into an all-night affair. You might get married because a happy song suggested the idea. You might fall hopelessly in love, turning your world upside down. And even if you're not looking for a person, love is still possible. Your heart could pound for a puppy, kitten, or even a duck.


Hey, Tiffany, what are you up to? 

Hey Y/N! Just borrowing online. What about you? 

Nothing much, just scrolling through social media and saw Yoona's latest post. She looks amazing! 

Oh yeah, I saw that too! She's always on point with her fashion sense. 

I know, right? I wish I knew her secret. 

Maybe it's just natural chrasima? Some people just have that. 

True, but I bet there's more to it than that. She must have a stylist or something. 

Probably! But even with a stylist, you gotta have the confidence to rock whatever you wear. 

That's true. Maybe I sdhould ask Yoona for some tips somethime. 

I'm sure she'd be happy to help! She seems like sucj a sweet person. 

Shes is! We should try to hang out with her sometime soon. 

Yeah, that would be fun! We could all go shopping together. 

That's a great idea! I'll message Yoona and see if she's free. 

Hey Yoona, just saw your latest post and wantef to say you look amazing! Seriously, what's your secret? 

😆Aww thanks, Y/N! No biog sectrets, really. Just treying to find clothes that make me feel confident! 

She's too humble! Yoona, you defintely have a way with fashion. Spilling the tea isn't an option here? 

Haha, alright alright. Maybe I fo have a few tips..... But fiest, what kiund of look are you looking for, Y/N? 

Honestly, Yoona, I'm all over the place! Sometimes I want to look chic and put-together, other days it's comfy and casual vibes. I guess I just want to feel good in what I;m wearing, no matter the occasion. 

That's a great starting point! Versatlity is key. Okay, so far those chic days, have you ever tried playing with classic sihlouettes? A sharp blazer can instantly elevate a simple jeans and t-shirt combo, and a little black suit is always a timeless option. 

Yoona's right! And don't be afraid of color! A pop of red or a cool emerald green can add personality to any outfit. 

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