To the carnival - TXTZY #2

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A/N: This week, you are hitting the reset button.

The week begins on Monday, March 18, with the sun conjoining Neptune in Pisces and your house of intuition. Your Spidey-sense is tingling today. There is no getting around it; you're picking up energy from others. Their moods are infectious, so make an effort to be around positive people.

On Friday, March 22, Mercury conjoins the North Node in Aries. You are filled with ideas that can put you on your path today. Aries, you might hear information that rings a bell in your head. Focus your attention on all the new ideas coming in. There could be some gems in what you hear or read.


At the carnival, Lia and Soobin are just walking seeing all the different sights. 

"It's nice to see you guys after such a long time." Lia replied. 

"I know, it's been a long while too. I'm glad that both of our schedules are free and we can rest however that we want." He replied, "You have no idea how much I missed this." 

"Believe me, I do." She smiled. 

He smiled back as he soon stopped and held her hands. Neither of them questioned why. Just the look at each other's eyes is enough for the both of them. 

Beomgyu and Ryujin went to the haunted house. It was Ryujin's idea, despite his pleas. She told him that this is all pretend and that there's nothing to be scared of. 

They followed the people and each attraction was more scary than the other. Beomgyu nibbled on his hand while holding to her hand. 

"This is scary....." Beomgyu replied. 

"I thought you were braver than this...." Ryujin replied. 

"Yeah, when it's a horror game, but if it's in real life, it's a thousand times scarier!" Beomgyu crouched. 

Then a ghost came by and he hugged her tightly. 

"AAAAAAA!!!!" He screamed. 

The ghost went by to its usual position, staring at the couple meanicingly. 

Taehyun went into the cart before he handed her a hand for her to take. She blushed before she joined him. She shut the door before their cart was taking higher and higher.

They were facing each other as they stared at the sky. 

"Wow.... we could see the whole carnival from up here." He replied. 

"I know....." She said. 

The dazzling loights and the chattering of the many people looked so much smaller than it was before. 

"I'm glad you're back home." Taehyun replied, "It's been a while since..... we've all get to hang out like this...." 

"I missed this too. Touring is so much fun and I'm not saying that I hate it, but sometimes I can' help but to miss my friends." She replied. 

"I see...." He looked to the ground, feeling disappointed. 

Taehyun felt disappointed once he heard the word 'friends'. 

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's nothing." He replied. 

"Come on, tell me." She replied, walking over to his side. 

He sighed before looking over to her eyes. He gulped before finally letting out his feelings. 

"What if I don't want to be friends with you?" He asked. 

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