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❝ the one where Daniel proves himself right. ❞


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SIGHING VANESSA SWUNG her bag around her shoulders, heading off to the field. Phone in her hands, she couldn't believe how dramatic Ashley could be about things. She didn't ask Jonah to comment something, and it was only a 'thanks'. No big deal. It's not like he was flirting with her.

She clearly still felt annoyed with the situation. Though she felt her breath hitch at the sight.

The field was illuminated by bright lights, since it was already getting dark, the stars not coming out just yet. The bleachers were colored in red and white with marks of black, and posters were hung up.

The other side of the bleachers were filled with banners of green and yellow, showing off their rival's school. Their mascotte — a squirrel — was workin out with their cheerleaders, making them laugh as he tried to do a split.

Her lips curved up into a smile, adoring the sight. She loved that their mascotte was a comedian, while their's was more of a clumsy clown. Their mascotte is a frog whose known to be poisonous and he would fall over every once in a while.

Don't ask her why their mascotte is a fucking red frog names Hopper — yes, Hopper — when their football team is called Westheart devils.

Shaking her head, Vanessa chuckled at the sight of Hopper bumping into one of the football players and went to his feet to hop away.

It's no wonder the boy is into theater.

She dropped her bag onto the bench and pulled her skirt straight, noticing it went up just a little bit. She then decided to watch the players warm up, since she was the first one of her team to arrive.

Minuets past and two members gave her a mere wave as they sat down on the other bench. They looked down at their phone and shared glances at the brunette. Vanessa noticed however, but she was used to it. Though it was for a different reason than she first thought.

When her phone made a ping, Vanessa saw an Instagram notification pop up. She was tagged into a post, and the name of the profile said no good.

With a bad feeling in her belly, she slowly opened the app to be annoyed immediately.


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