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❝ the one where there's a party ❞


VANESSA !_____________________________

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LEANING AGAINST HER door, she read the comments underneath her latest Instagram post. She couldn't help but feel awful, her eyes starting to sting as she let the all the words float in her mind.

Why does everyone hate me? I'm not as mean as Ashley, nor do I  treat people like shit.

Wiping a tear away, she swallowed the limp back in her throat and took a deep breath. "Don't let them get to you, Vanessa." She told herself. "They don't know the real you." Locking her phone, she threw it on her bed, it bouncing on her soft baby blue covers.

Vanessa shook all the mean words away, knowing she was better than letting all the thoughts take any more of her time. A new thought filling her mind quickly after that though which made her drop her bag on the ground immediately, throwing herself on her bed with a wide smile.

"Oh my god." She mumbled to herself into her pillows, her voice muffled. "I survived the first week of school." She sighed out relieved as she closed her eyes, turning on her back

"Vanessa Jordyn Davis!" A loud voice shouted from downstairs, it being her mother. "I expect you downstairs in less than five minutes!"

The brunette groaned silently, pulling herself slowly up right before swinging her legs to the side of her bed. She headed downstairs and into the kitchen, following the sound of her mother who was tapping with her long, red nails against the screen of her phone as she texted. Vanessa coughed softly, earning her mom's attention who let out an eyeroll.

"I can't believe how you always do it." Aurora scanned her daughter's face, shaking her head in disapproval. "You've just gotten out of school and your make-up looks a mess already."

Vanessa pursed her lips together in a tin line. "Sorry, mother." She forced the words to leave my lips, hoping that whatever her mom had to tell her, was short and soon.

Aurora sent her a small nod, looking back at her phone before taking a sip of her coffee. "Your father and I are leaving for the weekend." She let out simply as her daughter nodded, the girl fighting a smile back. "I hope you won't miss us too much."

Vanessa almost laughed but covered her mouth, stopping herself quickly. "Don't worry about that, mother. I'll be fine."

Her mother nodded, not paying attention to her daughter anymore. "That's all, you can go now." Aurora waved her off, dismissing her.

Vanessa rolled her eyes the moment her back was turned to towards her mom before she headed upstairs.

What a great mother.

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