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the one where ashley is trying too hard ❞


VANESSA !________________________________

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"CAN YOU ACTUALLY believe it?!" A high pitched voice shrieked, the curly headed girl throwing her hands around in the air.

The Starbucks employee looked annoyed at her as she handed the girl her order, Ashley taking the coffee without even saying a 'thank you'.

Vanessa sighed and she let out a quiet thank you when she received hers after Paris- but the employee simply ignored her. Vanessa didn't took it by heart since she was getting used to it, and followed the two girls further into the shop where other custmores were already sending them annoyed looks from their table.

But Ashley simply couldn't care less and continued to talk loudly, leaving the whole shop no choice than to listen to her 'issues'. "My daddy only gave me four hundred dollar this week to spend, instead of six hundred like he usually does. He says that if I want more, I have to work for it." She rolled her eyes in disgust and shivered slightly as she approached their table.

Paris stared at her, listening intensely while Vanessa tried her best to look away from the rolling eyes and glares she was receiving of the customers and even employees.

"Now what am I gonna do? I already spent two hundred on this dress and it's only monday!" Ashley held her bag up in the air before she dropped it on a chair next to her, together with her other bag.

"Oh my God." Paris let out like she had just heard the worst thing in the world. "Your dad is crazy if he thinks that's enough." She stated as she took a sip of her Decaf Soy Latte with an extra Shot and Cream.

A ridiculous order if you'd ask Vanessa.

She couldn't even imagine drinking the order. Vanessa liked simple orders, the usuals, but Ashley and Paris always had to go over the top with everything.

She stayed silent as she looked around the coffee shop, happy that she could finally sit down after two hours of non-stop shopping. Her feet were hurting because of her heels, and she hated the fact that she couldn't go straight home after they had cheer practise which they had earlier than usual.

Normally, the cheer practise would be at the same time as football practise, but the boys needed more space so the girls had to start earlier. After that the boys could use both fields for tryouts since the cheer team almost never let new ones in the group, and a lot of people were a bit afraid of or intimidated by Ashley. So there weren't any new people who wanted to try out that day.

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