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I will not give you up this time,
But darling, just kiss me slowly!


~*Dreams and nightmares!*~


"I don't know what you are talking about. Pl-please leave me" I mumbled looking at the man in front of me. I was not able to see his face, it was dark. It felt like a monster was standing in front of me and was ready to kill me. I felt some wetness on my right cheek and realized I was crying.

"Just shut up and let me do my work or I know how to handle a bitch like you. You already know the things I can do with you", he said and I felt him smirking, it was cruel and I was scared. My limbs trembled. I was crying senselessly begging them to let me go. I feel b-bad.

"Please please please, I be-beg you! Please let me go, I'll not tell anyone ab-about you" I whispered and wiped my tears with the back of my hand. My sleeves were torn when suddenly he jerked my hand towards himself and I felt a needle on my skin and I yelled for help.

"Please no!"

"PLEASE! NO!" My eyes snapped open and I felt someone's hand on mine. My head was aching. My hand automatically went toward my face and I realized, I was sweating. My gaze traveled around and I realized, I was not tied in an abundant mansion but I was on the flight.

"Are..are you okay?" I heard an unknown voice and my head automatically tilted I found a man already looking at me. He slowly forwarded his hand toward my face and wiped the sweat beads. My hands were cold and I was quite shivering. I nodded. I know it is because of the nightmare. I sighed and leaned back with my eyes closed.

"Are you seriously okay? I mean you were crying and sweating since last—"

"Yes, I am. Thanks for your concern. Now can you please let me sleep?" I snapped back looking at the person beside me and he scrunched his eyebrows. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. "Okay", he whispered and I sighed before giving him a curt nod.

Yes, the nightmares are still there. The memory still haunts me. It's been six years yet I am still stuck in my past, in those painfully silent days and those screamful nights. I am still weak, I still cry my heart out to sleep every single night and I don't even have a clue when the fuck I'll move on. It feels as if it's impossible to move on and I'll be stuck forever.

Forever is a myth.

I chuckled internally. Well, indeed it is or my father would have come to the airport to bid me goodbye. He once said that he'll love me, forever and now look at him. He is not even ready to look at me for once. Will I look pathetic if I admit that I missed him and wanted to hug him for the last time before leaving? 

I am going to New York. This is the new phase I am willing to start on my own. I don't know when I'll return to India, but Dad would never welcome me. It hurts.

It hurts when your father gives you a cold shoulder for the mistakes you made unknowingly. It hurts when he says that I am dead for him. My heart burned when he didn't even let me touch his feet forget hugging him.

Life is a great mystery, you know why? Because you don't even know what the future holds for you and still some people are excited for it and some are scared. Well, in my case, I am tired. I am tired of seeing that fake smile on Mom's face as if everything is fine because it's not. I am tired of being an emotional baggage on the people whom I love. I am tired of being a burden on bhai's shoulder. Am I adopted?

I don't know what would life unfold for me when I'll land in New York but I know whatever it'll be, I'll welcome it with my whole heart because I am tired of shutting everything up. 

I stirred when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I forced my eyes open. There was a cabin crew with a sweet smile on her face. How can she manage to smile all the time? Doesn't her jaws hurt after a long tiring day? 

"Mam, do you want water?" she asked suddenly and I frowned. I didn't ask for water. "Huh?" 
"The sire beside you told me to ask you", she said politely and I nodded. I need water so I took it gulped it one go and thanked her. But why is that person poking his nose in my business? I am not used to this much care.

"By the way, where is he?" I asked the same lady and she smiled before and I controlled my urge to roll my eyes. This smile is anything but fake. "He is in the cabin. They needed his help so...." I nodded. Maybe he is a pilot.

"He'll be here in a few minutes. Excuse me" she asked again after smiling and I scoffed. Thank God, my childhood dream of becoming an air hostess does not exist anymore.

I shut my eyes back because I know, once I'll land, it'll be hard to sleep because I'll have to do everything on my own. There'll be no one besides to help me. I hope that I'll not have any type of dreams or nightmares.


As I said, it would be different, it is! Tell me your views. I would love to hear that.
Also, tell me if anything can make my interest come back in my life. I am not enjoying it like I used to.



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