14/ TBES

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So it goes, 
He can't keep his wild eyes on the road, mmm; 
Take me home, 
The lights are off, he's taking off his coat, mmm yeah!


~*There is a story!*~


Amid a bustling crowd, I stood like a solitary figure in a sea of faces. The vibrant energy of the crowded place enveloped me, yet a palpable sense of loneliness lingered in my demeanor. The lively chatter, laughter, and movement of people around me seemed to create an invisible barrier, isolating me from my thoughts.

As I observed the animated interactions and shared moments, an unspoken yearning for connection echoed within me. The noise of the crowd became a distant hum, drowned out by the silence of my inner world. Despite the proximity of so many individuals, it was as if I inhabited a separate emotional realm, where my thoughts echoed louder than the surrounding buzz.

My eyes scanned the faces, searching for familiarity or a shared gaze that might bridge the gap between my internal solitude and the external commotion. Yet, the sea of strangers seemed to stretch endlessly, leaving me adrift in a crowd that could not reach the depths of my emotional isolation.

Amidst the multitude of people, I grappled with the paradox of being surrounded by life while feeling an acute sense of disconnection. The vibrant colors and dynamic movements of the crowd contrasted starkly with the muted hues of my solitude, creating a poignant tableau of loneliness amid togetherness.

That's what I was feeling, in one word, lonely! 

It's been more than a month since I came back to New York and as I expected I am not in contact with any of my family except my siblings. Not even him! 

I felt like it was a long dream, and now I've woke up to the reality. It was just a sweet dream, I tried to convince myself every time I looked in the mirror, that I'd never encountered anyone named Avyan, he was a wave of wind, which is gone now.

Sitting at the subway station at 9 in the night and looking around at the people moving here and there has become my daily routine in the past month. Before going to India, I was normal, but this time I was lonely. There is no one beside me, nor I am expecting. I am trying to get used to all of this.

I don't feel like going home.

Sorry, my flat! Because I have lost my home now!

My Uni is just 20 minutes away from my flat, but these days, I've started walking so slowly, that it took almost an hour to get there, which results in, me being late. My professor and my senior have been warning me continuously for the past month but now I can't help it. I am stuck in this, and it's not like I am not trying. I am trying to forget him but I am not able to. I've created the most beautiful memory in those 10 days. Those were the best days in my 10 years of life.

Life is challenging. Now I am struggling to forget two people in my life. One who gave me the lifelong trauma, and one who gave the happiness and love, I didn't know I deserved.

I was lost in my thoughts when a lady in her mid-forties came and sat beside me. I looked at her and she smiled. I smiled back.

"I noticed you're sitting here for quite a long time. Is something bothering you?" she said after a few minutes and I looked at her and shook my head in 'No'.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝚩𝐫𝛐𝐰𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝛐𝐮𝐥Where stories live. Discover now