17/ TBES

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Cause all of me loves all of you!


~*But what about after 3 long months?*~


"What are you doing to me, Yashi?" I asked her looking consistently in her eyes while she was so stunned. 

Do you think I should stop this?

I don't want to!

But will I regret it later?

I think, yes!

There was a moment of surprise, a shared glance that transcended words. Time seemed to hang suspended, and in that brief instant, the world around us blurred, leaving only the two of us in focus. Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, mirroring the night lamp's warm tones. She had a playful spark in her eyes and a hint of shyness, I smiled internally!

I caressed her lower lips with my thumb and she parted her lips slowly while my thumb went inside her warm mouth. I touched her inner lips, they were so fucking soft that I couldn't help but caress them more while her breath became hard and she closed her eyes.

I looked at her face so closely, long eyelashes, a high cheekbone, a cute little nose, and these petals like soft lips. I so wanted to kiss her raw.

I leaned towards her face more, touching her cheeks with my lips. I could feel the warmth of her presence, the proximity of our bodies creating a magnetic field that drew us inexorably closer. She tilted her head and I pecked at the crook of her neck, lightly.

As the desire to bridge the remaining space between us intensified, and our faces inched closer, I hesitated. I don't know if I should do this or not. What if she regrets this tomorrow morning?

I leaned back on the headrest of the couch. I could see a flicker of confusion in her eyes, a question that hung in the air. Yet, I couldn't ignore the inner voice urging caution, reminding me that timing and intention were delicate threads that wove the fabric of connection. The night, though filled with unspoken possibilities, unfolded with a new rhythm—one that held the promise of a different kind of intimacy, one that required patience and understanding.

In that step back, I hoped she could sense the silent reverence for what we shared, acknowledging the beauty of the moment and the potential for something profound, even if it meant delaying the inevitable kiss that lingered in the air like a suspended wish.

"You should sleep", I said looking everywhere but at her, and she looked at me for a minute and then she nodded. She stood up from my lap and I sat comfortably. I cleared my throat.

"You take my room, I'll sleep in the guest room", saying this I directly went towards the guest room without glancing at her for once. I know she'll be hurt but I can't do this without her consent and I don't want her to regret it later in the morning. This should be a special moment that will bind our souls and remain between us till eternity. I don't want her to think this is a mistake, this should be one of our most beautiful moments!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝚩𝐫𝛐𝐰𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝛐𝐮𝐥حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن