chapter 1

567 24 36

                      Centuries later...
A/n = archon name

2nd person

"Why did you leave me, y/n?" You turned around and saw a silhouette of a man, coming closer and closer to you until he was right infront of you. He grabbed onto your arm as tears strolled down his face as he kept on repeating the same question, "why." Your breathing got heavier as you stared at him in guilt. He fell to his knees and started to get more hysterical, his cries so painful. He finally looked up at you again and opened his mouth to speak...

You quickly sat up as you woke up. You were panting as you tried to stop yourself from crying. Looking outside your window, you gazed up at the moon as glistening tears rolled down your cheeks.

It has been centuries ever since you left inazuma and came to take over your nation, swiatłomrok. Everything was perfect. The nation was thriving and the people were amazing. It was all so peaceful. However there was one person that wasnt fully at peace. You. You still think back to the day when you left, when you left him. It left with you feeling empty and melancholy. Pretty hyprocritical that you weren't fully at peace with yourself.


Right now, you were sat infront of a table as you were zoning out. You were thinking back at your memories of you and kabukimono. The fond memories brought a smile on your face. However, as you were zoned out, someone was calling out your name.

"Your majesty, y/n? Are you alright?" The voice belonged to a man and it showed worry. He sat in the opposite direction of you, holding a cup of tea. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Oh, what. Sorry, I was in my own thoughts, I apologise Jakub." You apologised, taking a sip of your own tea.

Jakub is a dark skinned man with dreads and was about 5'8. A light vision could be seen on his hat. He was not only your right hand man but also your friend.  You were currently having some tea with Jakub as you were discussing some preperations for the ball happening in a few days.

Jakub let out a small sigh and set his tea down. "How about we go on a walk around the town? I can see youre out of it." The proposition brought a smile on your face and you nodded your head. You set down your now finished cup of tea and got up, making your way to the direction of the doors.


You and Jakub walked down the street as you guys chatted about random things. Having this walk made you feel way better. You really needed this. Lately, you were to busy preparing for the ball so you didnt have as much time to go out. As you walked by people they all greeted you with respect and you did it back.

You went by some food stalls until you came by a delicious smell. You noticed a stand which was giving out bowls of food, which piqued your intrest. So you took a grab of Jakubs wrist as he continued walking, cauing him to stumble a bit. You walked over to the stand and greeted the stand owner.

"Hello, i couldnt help but notice the amazing smell. May i know what it is?" You asked with a kind smile.

The stand owner suddenly got really nervous as he responded. "Ah!..A/n! What a suprise. Well, this is called Bigos. It is a stew with sauerkraut, fresh shredded cabbage,sausage and other vegtables."

You thought for a second as you looked at the delicious food and finally decided to get some. "That sounds delicious. Can i have two portions."  The stand owner quickly agreed and started to portion out your meals. You thanked him and payed him 200 mora.

The stand owner quickly started to deny the money but you shushed him up. "Please, take it.  I dont want to be treated any different just cause Im an archon." The stand owner hesitated for a second but finally accepted and thanked you.

You finally walked away and gave one portion to Jakub. He raised his eyebrow in confusion causing you to let out a small scoff. "Eat." He finally understood and unwrapped the food.

"Thanks y/n." He gave you a toothy grin before digging into his food. You let out a small chuckle and also started to eat your own food. When you guys were done, you strolled around for a bit more around the town.

The day awfully reminded you of the days you would spend with kabukimono.  You remembered when he accidently spilled something all over him, so you had to help him clean it off. You shook your head before turning your attention back to Jakub.

"How about we get back to the palace? I think we still have some planning to do." You suggested to which Jakub agreed. So you made your way back to the palace to continue planning.


You calmly walked around your garden at night before finding a bench to sit on.  You admired the surroundings as different flowers grew, making the garden look even more beautiful.

Letting out a small sigh, you looked up at the sky, admiring the stars and moon. Yet,you still found the night strangely empty.



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