chapter 11

331 17 22


2nd person

It has been two days since Yuno came home with you. There were two things that you found out about him; one, that he was just five years old and two, hes quite a... quiet kid. Everytime you would try and have a conversation with him, he would just mumble out his responses or just stay quiet. You would just shrug it off, after all he went through something. It did worry you though. Most of the time, he would just spend his time sitting in his room reading, but you could see some improvement slowly. Speaking of that, Yuno didn't really have any toys, so you thought it would be a good idea to go out with him to buy some.

So thats what you were going to do. You were walking down the hallway and came across the familiar room. Lifting up your hand, you knocked on the door. Waiting for a few seconds, you could hear a small, 'come in.' On the other side of the door. Coming in, you saw the young child reading on his bed.

You walked up to him and sat on the bed, keeping your distance. Yuno saw that you sat down, so he put his book down and looked at you. Smiling slightly, you started to speak.

"Hey Yuno. How are you feeling?"

Yuno just stared at you for a bit before turning his gaze downwards and started to play with his sleeve. "Im doing okay.." He muttered out.

You nodded in acknowledgement. "So, I was thinking that we can go out and buy you some stuff." You proposed.

You could see how Yunos eyes slightly lightened up, which made your smile widen. He looked up at you, his eyes having a small shimmer in them.



Yuno started to smile as he got excited. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you slightly.

"Thank you!"

You let out a small chuckle and patted him on the head. After a few seconds, he pulled away from you.

"You get ready and then we will set off, yeah?" You told him.

Yuno nodded before rushing to his drawer. Thankfully, you had some kid clothes. You went out of his room so he can get changed.

He truely was a sweet child.


Walking down the city, people were staring at you more than usual. The last time they saw you, you didnt have a child, but now you do. Yuno was tightly holding onto your hand, making sure he wont get lost. He was slightly tense though. He wasnt used to this much attention from people. You realized his tense figure, so you tugged on his hand to get his attention whilst looking down at him.

"Hey, everythings going to be alright." You tried to comfort him.

Yuno seemed to relax a bit from your comfort and nodded. He looked around the city a bit and noticed a toy stall. It was now his turn to tug on your hand.

"Can we go there?" Yuno asked, pointing at the stoll.

You smiled down at the kid and nodded. "Ofcourse!"

Yuno started to drag you to the stall, making you stumble slightly. 'This kid is strong..' you thought to yourself.

"Hello! How can I help you?" The store owner asked as the both of you got closer.

You gave her a polite smile. "Hello, we're just looking around. It seems like this little one found something in his interest."

The store owner nodded to your words. "Ah, yes! This store has one of the best toys in the whole of światomrok. There will definantly be something of his interest here."

Yuno seemed to run off somewhere, going to grab something from the store. As you waited for him to come back, you and the store owner idled in a casual chat.

When he came back, he had a pair of matching braclets, a bear and some figurines. A huge smile was seen on his face as he showed you them.

"That will be 250 mora." The owner says after she was done scanning the toys. You handed her the mora and took the bag, wishing her a good day.

"Thank you! Come back again!"

When you got out the store, Yuno motioned to the bag so he can take it for a second. You gave it to him and he looked through it, pulling out the braclets.

"Here you go! You have this one and I will have this one!" He said excitedly, giving you one of the braclets. The one he gave you had purple beads and red diamonds in the middle of it. A star charm could be seen hanging of it.

"Now we're matching!" He shows you his braclet, which was blue with white diamonds, a moon charm hanging of it.

You ruffled his hair and smiled happily at him. He really was so sweet.. "Thank you! I love it." You spoke truthfully, putting on the braclet aswell.

Yuno let out a small laugh as you ruffled his hair and tried to fix it after you pulled your hand away.

And thats how the rest of your day went, walking around random shops whilst buying what he wanted. You also bought him some decorations and more clothes because he needs it. At the end of the day, you had like 6-7 bags full of stuff.

Anything to see him happy though...


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