chapter 5

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                       Hide and seek

A/n: i forgot about this book for a hot minute.. i blame school.

I forgot to mention this, but y/n wears a  wianek which is basically just a flower crown.
2nd pov

"And thats basically what happened." You summarised to venti. It was the next day and currently you were having a small hangout with venti. You brought your tea cup to your lips and took a sip, letting out a satisfied sound.

Venti sat across from you, as he listened to your story of what happened yesturday. He let out a small chuckle as you mentioned some fond words of the young man. He still remembers the time where you were young and would spend everyday with scaramouche. Everytime he would come over, you would find a way to somehow bring up the man. "To me, it sounds like he still has a soft spot for you." He hummed out.

Your expression brightened at his words, an excited smile on your lips. "You think so? You know, he changed a lot through out the centuries, but i can still feel the kabukimono i know in there. Hes just hidden under that exterior." A fond smile was on your lips as you talked about him, however it faltered for a second. 'I wonder why..', you thought to yourself.

Venti shook his head at your perplexed expression. He actually found it kind of cute that you still care for him after all this time. Suddenly, you stood up and walked over to him before randomly picking him up and carrying him on your shoulder. "HEY, WHAT?!" He yelled out suprised from your actions.

His reaction was quiet humorous, making you let out a soft laugh. Venti frowned at your laugh which made you only laugh harder. You calmed down after a bit before clearing your throat. "Sorry, sorry. I love seeing your reaction  whenever i do that." Venti only huffed at your reaction. You finally set him down, plopping him onto the ground.

"Come on you lazy ass, we have stuff to do." You started to walk away from him, making your way out of your palace. In the distance, Venti let out an annoyed groan but quickly followed after you.


Both you and venti were walking around the city, helping out anyone that needed help...well, you did most of the work, venti was just there for emotional support. Out of nowhere, this group of kids ran up to you, yelling your name.

"A/n! A/n! Can you help us with something, pretty please!" The youngest of the kids asked you in a hurried manner. A kind smile plastered itself onto your lips and you patted the kids head.

"Ofcourse kacper.  What do you need help with today?" You asked politely. Kacper beamed at you as you agreed and grabbed onto your hand before he started to drag you outside of the city gate, the other kids following after you guys. You let out suprised sound as kacper dragged you, not expecting him to go this fast. Out of instinct, you put your hand on your wianek, so it wont fly away. Meanwhilst, venti trailed after you in a slower pace.


Kacper and his friend group took you to this meadow outside of the city. It was full of beautiful and colourful flowers which varied of: daisies, Violets, irises, Roses, orchids and etc. This was probably your second favourate place in this nation. It was just a peaceful atmosphere.

You noticed that the kids were pulling you to a blanket that was spread on the grass. They plopped on the ground and signalled you to sit down, which you did. You noticed a basket that was full of different flowers and you raised your eyebrow.

"Can you pretty please teach us how to make wianki." One of the kids begged you as they all gave you puppy eyes. You slightly sweat dropped and looked at venti, who just shrugged. You glared at him before turning your attention back to the kids who looked at you with anticipation. Letting out a small sigh you finally agreed, making the kids let out a small cheer of victory.

For the past hour, you and venti have been trying to teach the kids to make wianki. You took one half of the group, and venti the other half. You demonstrated to the group on how to do it, interwining the flowers together. In the end, your group was succesful and created pretty wiankis. You looked over to ventis group, who looked about done.

At the end, all the kids came and hugged you. "Thank you A/n! You're the best!" They thanked you with a happy smile. You reflected back their expression and patted them on the head. "My pleasure." You responded in a calm tone. They all giggled and ran away soon after. You let out a tired sigh and stretched.

Venti walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and you relaxed from his touch. He gave you a sneaky smile and teased, "Hm?? Tired already? I guess we're not gonna play Cloud hide and seek." However his sassy remark was quickly stopped when you created a light ball which he can sit and fly on.

You put on a competative smile, a sneaky glint in your eyes. "You wish. Youre just scared of losing....again!" Venti let out an offended gasp before frowning. "AS IF!" 

You laughed at his reaction before getting on your own ball and flied up. "WE'LL SEE. YOU'RE SEEKING FIRST!" you yelled out to him, your figure slowly disappearing as you went to hide.


It has been over thirty minutes and venti still couldnt find you. You were pretty sure he flied past you like twenty times.  Damn he sucks..

And there he goes again, flying past you with this stupid, clueless expression. You snickered quietly to yourself, watching his dumbfounded self trying to find you. It was always like this, he would have a hard time finding you, and you would find him within the span of a few minutes.

As you finally stopped snickering, you suddenly realized that venti was nowhere to be found. You peaked slightly from the cloud which you were hiding in and looked around.

Out of nowhere, someone came from behind you, and pounced at you as they found you, not realizing that you guys were falling. "FOUND YOU!" Venti yelled out in victory.

You deadpanned at his reaction, giving him an unamused look. Then you look down and realized that you were falling. "VENTI?" You yelled out to him, tugging him on his sleeve. Venti hummed out and looked down, and quickly realized the situation. His eyes widened and then looked at you. The both of you just looked at eachother before quickly launching onto another.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The both of you screamed out as you held onto eachother, your eyes closed. You continued to fall together and you were starting to panic slightly, when all of the sudden, you felt a wind current.

Looking to your side, you realized that venti used his anemo energy to save the both of you. After the both of you get down onto the ground, you let out a sigh of relief. In a fast matter, you turned and glared at venti before smacking him in the head.

"Ow! Okay, i deserve that."  He muttered out with a small frown whilst he rubbed his cheek. You let out an angry huff and sighed.

"Whatever, it's your turn. Go hide." You ordered and he did.


You and venti played for hours, until night came. You both laughed,made jokes and made fun of eachother. Soon  the both of you realized what time it was, so you decided to call ends there since venti has to go back to mondstadt tomorrow morning.

You made your way through the city to your palace. The streets were quiet and calm, the only source of light being the moon and the lamps around the city.

As you made your way to the entrance of your palace, you got this sudden feeling of being watched, so you turned around.... but found nothing. You decided to shrug it off and went inside.



I might post a 400 views special.


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