chapter 6

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2nd pov

It was the next morning when you woke up with a raging headache. You put your hand on your forehead, closing your eyes as you tried to get the pain away.

You suddenly remembered that you and scaramouche are suppose to meet up today. Ignoring the pain, you got up and got ready. It has been forever since you hung out with your kabukimono, like actual friends, and not like enemies. You still pondered what happened with him. Maybe..maybe one day he will tell you.

As you walked out of your room, you realized that the corridors are uneasily quiet. Normally the place would be bustling with activity. But it wasnt. The quiet made you slightly uncomfortable. You never liked the quiet. You never liked being alone. Thats why you would always go out to help out around the city.

You decided to shake it off and just look around the palace. 'Maybe they are somewhere else?' You questioned yourself, a worried expression on your face. Most of the time, if a worker wanted a day off, they would come and tell you that.. but no one did.

You continued to look around the palace, looking from room to room. But nothing. Just a solitary palace, the only company being you. You could feel your hands slightly start to shake, overwhelmed with worry.  "Its okay y/n, maybe they are just late..haha..yeah.." you tried to comfort yourself, taking in a deep breath.

Trying to shake off any worry, you made your way out of your palace. Going out will help. The streets are usually busy around this time, and you do have to go meet up with scaramouche.


Looking around the street, there was nothing. Nothing but emptiness. Somehow, it felt worse than the inside of the palace. The streets that are normally busy and cheerful are now empty and dreadful. The pit in your stomach just got bigger.

Your eyes started to flicker between black and white. Your body started to shake as you thought about the worst. However you still tried to comfort yourself, saying that they might be still asleep or have something else to do inside their houses.

You quickly calmed down your nerves and made your way to the big tree on the hill, where you were suppose to meet up with scaramouche.



Nothing. You have been waiting for hours. But nothing. Maybe he forgot? Or maybe he just doesnt want to see you. You wouldnt blame him. That night would be something you will never forget. You left him. Its all your fault.

You looked at the sky, watching as the clouds pass by peacefully. All of the sudden, the sky turned a crimson red. Raising your eyebrow at this, you looked into the distance where the city is.

What you saw, completely shocked you, causing you to panic. Out in the distance, the city was on fire. You didnt know what happened.. it was fine just a second ago.  With haste, you made a small light ball and flied to the city. However, the light ball suddenly disappeared, which caused you to fall down onto the ground.

Letting out a small grunt from the impact, you looked down at your shaking hands and let out a small groan. You got up and ran.

When you got to the city gates, you let out a loud gasp. Everything was on fire, creating a prison of flames. Looking at the ground, you saw everyone from your nation on the ground, bloody and unmoving. Covering your mouth with your hand you let out a small whimper, tears in your eyes.

But what shocked you the most is scaramouche was standing in the middle of this whole mess, his back turned to you. "Kabukimono...?" You whispered to yourself as you looked at his figure. Slowly, you made your way to him, trying to reach out, "kabukimono?" You asked out loud. But before you could even touch him, he quickly turned around and took a firm grasp of your wrist.

His whole face was distorted: Black eyes, bloody tears flowing out of his eyes and a sinister smile on his lips. The world around you started to glitch out and everyone disappeared. But they quickly reappeared behind kabukimono, their facial expressions exactly the same as his, just without the smile.

"What happened?" You asked in a worried tone. Everyone started to create a small circle around you, making sure you wont escape.

"We thought you loved us a/n.. why did you do this..?" One of the people asked. His question made your eyes widened, a confused frown on your lips. "What..?"

Scaramouche then took a firm grab of your chin with his other hand, making sure you were looking at him. "All of this is your fault. If only you didnt abandon me that day. This wouldnt have happened." He remarked, glaring at you with his black, souless eyes. His gaze made you shiver but you were still confused. Your eyes started to flicker again, but more viciously. Your arms started to tremble again as you fell to the ground, covering your face.

" sorry. I didnt do anything. I didnt mean to.." Your words didnt do anything, as they completely ignored them. Everyone started to close you off, the world glitching around you even. The people from time to time would crack their neck as they kept on repeating themselves.

"Your fault!"

"Your fault!"

"Your fault!"

The stress was to overwhelming. Your breathing got heavier and you gripped onto your head, trying to cancel out the noises around you.  

"STOP IT!" you yelled out. A yellow ball of light mixed with darkness started to create around you as it kept on expanding. In the end you looked up and everything disappeared.


"NO!" you sat up and panted.  Your vision was slightly blurry for a second as you tried to calm down your nerves. When you did, you looked around and realized you were in your room.

The heavy breathing died down. Everythings fine.

It was just a dream.



OLD | I'll be yours again. (Scaramouche x F.reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora