chapter 14

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Soon enough,night fell, making the sky be painted with glistening white dots. The night was a time where all the darkest secrets can be revealed and where you can be free. Free of your worries. Free of everything.

"And the Prince and Princess lived happily ever after. The end." You concluded, closing the story book and placing it back onto its shelf.

Turning back to Yuno, you smiled and lifteded two fingers up to your mouth, pressing a kiss on them. After pressing the kiss, you put your fingers on Yunos forehead.

"Goodnight Yuno."

He yawned. "Goodnight Y/n."

Going up to the door, you turned to look at him one more time before leaving and closing the door.

You turned and looked where scaramouche was, who was leaning against the wall as he watched you.

"Well, dont you need your rest?"

"Im a puppet, I dont need sleep." He said with a 'matter of fact' tone.

You rolled your eyes. How can he be so selfless? Even though he is not a mortal, he still needed his rest. Did he even rest after you left?

"Do you even rest? Maybe thats why you're so moody all the time." You whispered the last bit to yourself.

"What was that?" He spoke harshly, glaring at you.



After he said that, an awkward silence filled the hallway. The tension was thick as the both of you stared deeply into each others eyes, his electrifying purple eyes clashing with your e/c eyes. After a few minutes (seconds), you gulped and finally looked away from him as a small blush dusted your cheeks.

"H-how about we go to the garden?" You stuttered slightly, making you curse yourself out from your little mess up.

"You have a garden?" Scaramouche asked as he stood up straight. He seemed a little intrested by that fact.

You nodded, looking back at him until you realized he was right infront of you. Your eyes widened as you moved backwards.

"Ahah..yeah. It's just a little hobby though. Nothing big."

Scaramouche hummed, acknowleding your words. He shouldnt be suprised really. When you still were in Inazuma, your room would always be full of flowers scattered around. It came to a point where Ei sorted out your own little garden. Sometimes after coming back to his old room, a bouquet of fresh flowers would be seen in a vase on the windowsill.

"Take me to it." He asked - No. Demanded.

You sweatdropped slightly from his straightforward answer.

"Okay, follow me."

You motioned for him to follow you, which he did. The walk to the garden was quiet as you didnt know what to talk about. You'd think that spending five centuries away from each other  there would be plenty to talk about. However, there was nothing.

The both of you finally got to the garden door. Taking in a deep breath, you opened up the door, revealing the garden.

The roof was made out of glass, so the painted night sky was exposed as the moon shined down on the flowers. The scenery was plotted with various different colors and a floral scent wondered around. You smiled as you looked at the garden. It was well taken care off as the flowers stayed vibrant. Overall, the whole garden was quite big aswell, with pathways and benches to sit on.

Turning to look at scaramouche, you could see a faint intrest on his face as he observed the garden. You couldn't help but smile pridefully seeing his slightly happy face.

OLD | I'll be yours again. (Scaramouche x F.reader) Where stories live. Discover now