🚗 Harry Potter and his new car 🚗

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One day, Harry Potter got out of bed. He walked outside and saw someone hitting his car with a golf hitter thingy. he was angry. so he went to buy a new car. first he went to a car shop but they were out of cars. Then he went to the car shop over there. They were out of cars too, so he walked all across town, and finally found a place where they had lots of cars. well, they were a lot of money! he finally got one that was only 200 bucks. It was an old car, but it was almost the same as the other one. Harry Potter was happy so he went to tell Hermione and Ron. Then the next day he drove to Hogwarts in his new car. Everyone examined his car and was amazed. Usually people don't drive cars to Hogwarts, but he slept over at his house that night because his mommy and his daddy left him. He had a good time sleeping over and didn't have any bad dreams. His new car made him have good dreams that one night. the night before he got his car, he dreamed of a car he was red and bold and beautiful! Harry Potter, the next day bought the car that was in his dream! Ron and Hermione begged for a ride in his new car. He said fine, but only around the block. He accidentally crashed his new car into Hogwarts and got detention.(his detention with fixing Hogwarts.) at least Ron and Hermione were in the car so they had to help too lol he was excited and just pretended to do the work, but Hermione and Ron did the whole thing. so that is the story of Harry's new car, please read the next chapter if you want more stories of the golden trio. the next one is called Hermione fans! Thanks for reading the story I really appreciate it!

(they also all got expelled!)

(that except for Ron because he was drinking butterbeer and hid in the closet at his mommy and daddy's house.) if you want to hear about Ron and his butterbeer obsession, it will be in the next couple of chapters. 

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