🚙 🚗Harry gives up on new cars 🚗🚙

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One day Harry bought five new cars because he had so many cars that kept getting destroyed that he thought if he had five that he'll have back ups. every day he rode one different car to Hogwarts but one day he accidentally wrecked one of his cars in the whomping willow, so now he only has four cars left. 

when this happened Hermione and Ron both did a face palm because Harry kept on wrecking his cars and this was not the first time it was in the whomping willow. they decided to be mean, and they each stole one of his cars to drive to Hogwarts, and they slapped him in the face when they got to school.

then Harry did not find out about his stolen cars, and when he got home, he didn't notice that they were gone. Hermione and Ron forgot to give them back so they drove Harry's cars to their houses, but on the way, Ron "accidentally" crashed the car he was driving into Hermione's car, and so both of Harry's cars were completely destroyed and now he only had two left. But don't forget Harry still didn't know about these two cars that were wrecked so he thought he had four left.

But when he did find out about his stolen cars, he just bought a firetruck instead and zoomed it around his town for a while and sprayed every person he saw with water. while he was zooming around town, some burglar guy (the suspicious guy from Hermione mansion that got destroyed by an avocado wrecking ball) came and destroyed all the rest of the cars that Harry had in his garage so all that was left was his firetruck, though again, he didn't know it.

soon he found out and was furious. He chased after the guy and nearly killed him, but the guy apparated away and escaped. Harry was still very furious. He stomped three times and the earth split in half, but luckily that happened in the middle of Antarctica so there weren't any cracks where Harry and Ron and Hermione were.

after this, Harry decided to give up on new cars because all of them just kept getting destroyed and he was completely fed up. He sold the firetruck for 1 million galleons and then gave them to Fred and George Weasley.

Ron was very mad at him since he'd already given money to Fred and George before, so he broke into Harry's house and broke his safe and stole all the other money that Harry had and Harry never found out that he was actually bankrupt for a long time. He went into a lot of debt, but hopefully he will still live. 

The end


We apologize for the lack of updating, since we have been very busy if you saw our last update, so we are going to update a couple times today! Enjoy!

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