👶🚫👃🏻Voldemort da baby w/Umbridge's voice👶🚫👃🏻

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Harry potter was looking through a spellbook that he randomly found in draco malfoy's backpack which he left behind when he got knocked into next week with harry's crutch. So anyways the spellbook had lots of spells harry knew but also some he didn't know. There was this one weird one that he didnt know and the name was 'abracadabra.'

Harry raised his wand and said "abracadabra!" and waved the magic wand and then something flew out of it and around the corner of the hallway. Harry Pottah chased it but when he went around the corner it was gone. He was disappointed so he yeeted the book down the hallway and ran away forever all the way to his dorm in the gryffindor common room but he will still be in the book though even though he ran away for ever to his dorm in the gryffindor common room.

~~~line break called whatever you want; the first person to claim and name it gets the next chapter dedicated to them~~~

mEaNwHiLe In VolDeMoRt LaNd...

Voldemort was just chilling on an island on a lawn chair drinking from a coconut with a fancy paper umbrella and some cool shades. (he was in his robes, not swim trunks, because nobody wants to imagine that) everything was cool (well actually warm) until something came out of nowhere and flew right at him. He gave a manly scream as it jumped into his body, but the manly scream turned into a girly scream that sounded like umbridge–what??!!?!??!?!

SO YEAH then voldemort felt himself shrinking and turning into a baby. He could still talk though. And he sounded like Umbridge!!!! It was very weird. And oh, the horror! He STILL DIDNT HAVE A NOSE.

Voldemort decided his life was over since he couldn't figure out the cure to whatever spell made him like this since he was a baby.

And harry potter used the spell on many people because he tried lots of times to figure out what it did but he never figured it out.

So anyways now there is a whole clan of ugly people that got turned into babies and sound like Umbridge.

The end.

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