🍺 Ron's Breakup 💔

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as you guys know, if you have read about how much Ron loves butter beer in the earlier chapters he is definitely in love with it and was planning to get married to have a honeymoon but you probably know what's going to happen by the title of this, so let's get rolling!

Ron Weasley was sitting in Hog's Head drinking some butterbeer, which he planned to marry. he was thinking about how much he loved it and then decided he actually didn't love it anymore and there was something else he loved more. He dumped all of the butter beer in the garbage can and walked out of hog's head and all the way back to Hogwarts, and into the great hall where it was dinner time. 

Ron decided he needed to have somebody new to marry, so he looked around the tables until he found a bunch of chicken legs, and then he picked one up and kissed it. Then he knelt on the ground and pulled out a ring and said, "will you marry me please chicken I've decided I love you more than butterbeer!"

The chicken did not say anything, because obviously chicken can't talk (or can it?)but Ron took the silence as a yes, and threw the chicken in the air, then caught it and kissed it again. Then he ran out of the hall with everyone, staring at him and whispering about how he needed to go to an insane asylum. 

he went to his nonexistent office and wrote down some wedding invitations, and then printed out 1000 million copies of them for all of his imaginary friends plus Harry and Hermione.

his imaginary friends did not RSVP, but Harry and Hermione said they would attend the wedding. Harry would be the pastor who actually married them, and Hermione said she would just be the audience, and definitely would not read her book and ignore the whole thing. (even though she did anyway).

according to Ron, the wedding went pretty well, and once they were married, Ron decided to take them out to dinner as a honeymoon. He had to resist the temptation of actually eating the chicken, so instead, he ordered himself a plate of turkey. Then the chicken who is now his wife was very very upset that Ron was eating her cousin, the turkey, and broke up with him demanding a divorce. Ron is now crying and eating chocolate and watching romance movies somewhere in the world, probably Paris, because that's the city of love and we don't really know why he's in the city of love if no one loves him of, so yeah. Anyways, that's all for Ron. Since he's in Paris, he might not be in the book a whole bunch more, but you never know when he'll make an appearance.


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