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Your pov

It was Friday again. Every Friday some kids from the EAT class came to visit the NOT class and share their "expertise" with them. It felt incredibly condescending. A lot of the same kids came week after week. Most of them clearly had a complex from being complimented on their abilities one too many times.
You sat at your desk waiting for the bell to ring and the day to start. Professor Stein would be here shortly with Soul, Maka, Ox, Harvar, Fire and Ice, and Kilik.
The door opened and the bell rang.
Ding Dong Dong Ding
Stein came marching in and so did all the usual kids.

"Good morning class. I hope you all did your homework.." said Stein

You did. It was some stupid questionare about youre likes and dislikes. Favorite foods, things like that.

"..because today your going to meet with a student from the EAT class and learn what they do in order to match wavelengths with their partners."

Stein began placing students in groups. 3 NOT kids for every EAT kid. It seemed like today weapons were with weapons, and meisters were with meisters.
The classroom door creaked open and another person walked in. Was he a student? He looked different. Unlike anyone youve seen here before.

"Ah Kid. It's unlike you to be late, said Stein.

"Well my nerves were acting up today I suppose," said the boy.
Was his name Kid? You cringed just a tiny bit. Although he had been responding to Stein, he had his eyes set on you the entire time. Creepy.

Kid....Kid.....Kid..? KID!!! DEATH THE KID! He was the son of Lord Death. Rumor has it he started attending the academy to investigate some strange going ons...but now people think he just attends for fun, and his friends. Everyone knew this guy, even you.

"Do Grim Reapers get nerves? ...Ah I'd love to dissect you and learn more about your species...but nevermind that. Y/N?"

You looked at Stein with surprise. Hearing your name was a bit of an odd occurrence.

"This is Death the Kid. He's offered to work with you alone, seeing as you are the one who's been having the most trouble here in class."

As if in a hurry, the strange boy walked over to meet you at your desk. Piercing yellow eyes was the first thing about him that you noticed, secondly his raven hair with three odd little white stripes. So this was Death the Kid.
You shrieked as Kid grabbed ahold of both of you hands. His face was so close to your face. His hands felt like silky ice.

"Y/N! I've been looking forward to meeting you," He said with a voice like honey.

His eyes were searching yours, intensely, and excitedly. He peered into your very soul in that moment. Your face must have looked horrified.

"W-who told you my name? Did we meet before? I think I'd remember meeting the son of Lord Death.."

You slowly pulled your hands away, and Kid must have realised how intense he had just been. He relaxed and gave you a bit more space.

"Oh wherever are my manners? My name is Death the Kid. Please call me Kid. Stein asked me if I would work with you. As a Grim Reaper, I know a little extra about Souls. So have you ever wielded a weapon before?"

His words were fast but calculated, as if he had planned this all out before. Very odd..also Stein said Kid offered to work with you, not that he was asked to work with you. Was someone lying? Was Kid here to help you? Or were they starting to suspect something was different about you. Death the Kid probably had the best Soul Perception out of anybody in the school. He was probably sent here to examine you...right? Why would Kid have any other reason to see you?

"Y/N?" He said.

"Oh!" You realised you had been lost in thought.

" Um no, sorry. I've never successfully wielded a weapon before. My soul is a bit prickly..."

You picked up your homework sheet and glanced through the questions. Next he would probably ask how well you could perceive souls as a meister.

"How long have you been here? In Death City?"

You looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"...not long?" You said puzzled.

"Ah I see. I hope your not planning on leaving any time too soon. I'd really hate to see you go.."

The way he said this was with sincerity. You felt like he really would hate if you left.

"Where did you move from?"

Uh oh. Not a question you were hoping to hear. You've answered it a dozen times, but had given different answers to different people...did Stein tell him where you were from. Where did you tell Stein you were from again??. Shit.

"How's it going over here you two?"

Yoi had been so panicked you didn't even hear Stein wheel himself over to your desk in his wheely chair.

"Wonderful professor. She's everything I had hoped she would be."


"What? Um okay then...Anyways I thought you might want to see her in action. Y/N would you mind giving Kid a demonstration of your abilities?"

Haha the day kept getting better!

"O-of course professor."

In a few moments you were standing at the front of the class with Tsugami. She was a cute girl who could transform into a scythe. She was in the not class. She used to be a lost cause, that is until she met her partners Meme and Anya.

"Go ahead you two."

Tsugami transformed and the second her handle hit your hand it burned. You tried to hold on, but the burn scorched your flesh.

"Y/N! PLEASE LET GO!" Cried Kid.

You dropped Tsugami and Kid rushed over to you. You held your hands out in front of you. They were bleeding, but they would heal in no time.
Kid grabbed your wrists and examined them with worry in his gaze.

"Y/N are you ok? It looks like your pretty hands got hurt...let me take you to nurse Nygus."

"Kid I think she's okay," said Stein

"Yeah I'm alright reall-"

"No I simply must take you to the nurse. Please come with me,"

and with that, the Grim Reaper was dragging you to the nurses office. You walked down the empty hallways with haste, he held you by the wrist, careful not to touch your hands. You wanted to pull away but you felt too bewildered to do so.

"That Tsugami girl is wretched. She has no sense of symmetry, and she hardly has her ability under control," said Kid.

"No no. She's wonderful really, I'm just not compatible with anyone."

That did it. Death the Kid stopped dead in his tracks, picked up both of your wrists, and got real close to your face again. You could taste his sweet breath.

"You are perfect."

And that did it for you. You pulled my arms away and looked at him with anger in your face.

"What are you playing at!? Why are you acting like you know me? Who put you up to this? What do you think your going to find out by doing this?"

He looked surprised..and disappointed.

"I just want to get to know you. I'm sorry you feel offended. I realise I may be going about this the wrong way..please forgive me."

Once again, there was sincerity in his voice. You felt a bit bad about hurting his feelings...but you didn't know him. You didn't really want to know him, or anyone at this school for that matter.
He grabbed your wrists again and pulled you toward the nurse. You went the rest of the way in silence.

A Soul Like No Other (Death the kid x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora