A get together at the Gallows

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The day after your outing with Kid, was just another day. You went to school, and classes were as boring as ever. You sat with your friends at lunch time, and everyone talked to each other excitedly about the get together you had all planned for that night.

"So Y/N? You still want to come over early and borrow some clothes?" Asked Liz.

"Thanks Liz, but I actually have something I can wear now." You smiled and looked at Kid, who was already smiling and looking at you. Liz definitely noticed this.

Tsubaki chimed in"I'll meet you at your place so we can walk there together. That ok?"

"I'd love that" you said.

Everything else was small talk. How silly the lecture was at times, how cloudy the weather was. Just regular stuff like that. You talked to Kid as well as the rest of the group. Nothing you said to Kid was particularly interesting or special, but it seemed to feel that way for some reason.

The day really came and went, and before you knew it you were putting on the new dress Kid had gotten for you, in preparation for the party. As you were getting ready to leave, so was Sachiko. She clearly had big plans for the night, as she lathered her face, neck, and chest with makeup. You heard a knock on your door.

"Y/N, it's me Tsubaki! I'll be waiting outside for you."

"OK! One second!" You chimed back. You got on your shoes, and were starting to head out.

"Y/N! Catch!" Shouted Sachiko.

You turned and caught a small thing she tossed. She winked and smiled.

"Be safe ok?" She said.

You looked and saw that she had tossed you a condom. You smiled at her awkwardly.

"You too." You said. Hoping this was the right reply. You put the condom in your bra, and forgot about it, not planning on using it.

You met up with Tsubaki outside, who looked incredibly excited to see you in something that wasn't a school uniform. You had the same reaction. Tsubaki had a wonderful body, that looked stunning in anything she wore. You envied her a bit, but were genuinely happy to see that your friend was feeling confident tonight.

You both complimented each other and headed to the Gallows. Tsubaki had shared with you, that she was trying to get the attention of Blackstar, her meister. The loud boy, who was her opposite in every way, would make a cute partner for her, and you encouraged her to keep up the effort. He was bound to notice her one day.

"HEY GUYS!" Shouted Patty, who greeted you at the doors of the mansion. "COME OOONNNN IN!"

You couldn't help but smile at Patty's constant energy. Some lyric-less music was playing softly, as all your friends sat around a coffee table in a beautifly furnished living room. It was lavish, but comfortable looking. A lot of mid century modern pieces stood out to you.

Your friends all wore nice, but casual clothing. You were thinking about how nice everyone looked when you noticed that Kid was absent.

Almost as if on cue, a door swings open from behind you. You turn to see the familiar Reaper in an unfamiliar outfit, carrying a cutting board with some cheese laid out on it.

He was wearing a thick black turtleneck, that clung tightly to his skin, and some black pants, that seemed to do the same. You could always tell he was trim, from what he usually wore...but his suit didn't show off his muscles as much. His chest was incredibly flat, and his arms seemed very toned. Your eyes started to wander a bit lower. The typical black dress pants  he usually adorned, were hiding a real gem. His legs were slender and long, and these tighter pants made a certain area of his look appetizing. You thought about what Sachiko had said the other night. She had mentioned wondering what kind of parts a shinigami had....and suddenly you were wondering too..

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