The choice I made

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Your pov

"See ya Y/N!" Marla called after you.

"Bye." You replied, with a hand wave.

The rest of night had gone off without a hitch. Slow and boring were the only words you could conjure up to describe it.

You headed out the front door, knowing that if Kid had waited for ya, he had waited out back. You took a couple of steps and then....

Clang Clang!!

'Ignore it. Keep moving' you thought to yourself. Your feet suddenly felt like lead. You just couldn't move them forward anymore...but you could move them backwards.

You werent an overwhelmingly curious person, nor were you ever one to go looking for trouble, but something about this day and this noise, drew you into the back alley. The same alley you had promised to meet with Death the Kid.

Was it a kind heart deep down in you worried that the boy had gotten hurt? Was it the need to know what the sound was? Or was it something more..?something like fate?

You headed backward, to the alley.
I slowly peered around the corner, and gasped. Your eyes widened with fear. The last thing you had expected to see was there, right in front of me.

A huge panther made of bone, and blood loomed over Death the Kid. He was slumped against the wall, covered in blood himself, and defenseless without his weapons. The bone panthers mouth dripped with foam as it raised its giant paw, to take another swipe at the Grim Reaper.

Without even thinking you had made your choice. You made the choice to save Kid, and to end your own life.

"HEY!!!" You shouted. Both Kid and the panther looked in your direction.

"Y/N! GET OUT OF HERE!" Shouted Kid. His voice so desperate. "I'll be ok! It's just a scratch!"

You shivered in fear, and closed your eyes. You had to save him. How could he defend himself without his weapons. This was all your fault for telling him to wait out back...for trying to fool him. If you had told him to wait out front, this wouldn't have happened.

You closed your eyes and did all you could do.
A pink glow shone in a ball in front of your face. The light glimmered and was here and gone in an instant. When the light vanished, it had left a matte black Hecate sniper rifle in your hands. Conjured out of thin air.

The cat ran at you. Sadly you were a little hadn't been able to use your realnweapon in forever.

You took aim, but you werent fast enough, and you were much too close to the cat to make a decent shot, with your long distance weapon. 

The wind was knocked out of you as the cat pounced on you. It's sharp bones digging into your flesh in every spot it touched. Claws dug into my shoulders, and you could feel it's hind claws ripping up your legs  It's horrible face got close to yours, mouth open, and ready to close around your face.

Your gun was just in reach of your right hand. You yelled in agony trying to reach it.

You desperately grabbed my gun, and shoved it into the creatures chest, and fired without hesitation.


With one swift shot, the creature exploded into ash, like confetti.  Your face was wet with its spit.

"Y/N!!" Kid shouted as he ran over to you.
You couldn't move. Everything felt hot and sticky, and wet.

Kid knelt down next to you and cradled your aching head in his arms.

"Shit...Y/N your losing too much blood.
..please.. Stay with me."

The voice that was once filled with confidence, was faltering. Cockiness had turned into fear. Tears started to prick his eyes...seeing this boy cry...hurt you. His tears were beautiful, and he was not an ugly Cryer like you were. It felt special, and terrible at the same time. Like a Phoenix giving a feather, it felt like it was only for you.

The Grim Reaper was crying over you, and you sacrifice. But why? Wasn't his goal to expose you for what you really were anyways?

Surely he could sense it now. Surely he could tell that you were a witch.

"You win...The Reapers always beat the witches..." you said.

And then everything was suddenly black, and very very quiet.

A Soul Like No Other (Death the kid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now