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Your pov

You hated the kichy maid uniform you had to wear at the Cafe. It was cute, but also embarrassing. You pulled on the bottom of the dress, wishing it was just a little bit longer, and then headed out for the day. You passed Sachiko, your room mate on the way out, and neither of you said a word to each other. Perfect.


The Cafe was slow when you walked in. If it was ever busy on your shift, it was at the start. Sometimes if the afternoon was really busy, some of the customers would linger until the evening shift, but that was pretty rare. There was an old man, a women and her two children, and Ox Ford who was busily working on homework and drinking coffee. These were the only customers, so you headed into the back, and started to prepare some coffee for the following morning. You measured all the beans and made perfect little baggies for every blend. Suddenly, Marla, one of the senior waitresses came into the back just SECONDS after you got there.

"Hey Y/N. A customer requested you. He's at the corner table."

Surprised, you headed into the dining room, and instantly saw Death the Kid at the corner table. My face got red and you started to feel angry and embarrassed. You walked over to his table and he smiled as he looked at you.
"It's really nice to see you again. You look amazing," He said, with a smirk and a pink face.

"What do you want to drink," you stated rather than asked.

"Mm...whatever you suggest," He said while smiling still.

You turned away and went into the back again. Marla was standing at one of the counters rolling silverware for the next day.

"Marla I'm not serving him. You do it."

"Y/N that's Death The Kid! He could like totally get us fired. No way I'm going out there."

You groaned, and stomped over to the coffee machine, and prepared our best blend. You hated to serve your spy something so delicious...but coffee this good didn't come cheap. If you were going to serve him, he was at least going to pay for it.

You came out with the drink in hand, and carefully set it in front of Kid. He looked positively delighted. Master was at the bar watching yout every move. Kid was a vip here and you were sure Master wanted to make sure he was happy.

"The coffee is as good as it always is," He said through a massive grin.

You looked at him angrily.

"Why won't you leave me alone? What's your problem anyways?"

"Hm you got me," Kid chuckled
"I didn't really come for coffee I suppose did I?" He seemed to be asking himself this more than you
" Y/N I was really hoping we could talk more."

"Are you kidding me? No way! Your freaking me out! How did you even know I work here?"

His smiled began to fade, and so did Masters. The last thing you wanted was for your boss to consider firing you over this..

"Fine fine. We can talk but...not now ok? After work. I can meet you out back when my shift is over," you said.
He smiled again.

Ha jokes on him. Your shift just started. This was a good way to appease him (and Master) and not face consequences. There was a small chance he'd wait for you...but he'd have to wait for hours, and you would just use the front entrance to avoid him.

"Absolutely perfect! Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you then."


Kid had left the Cafe very shortly after our conversation. He had paid for his coffee, and he left an incredibly generous tip. You would be lying if yoi said you refused it...every penny helped.
The rest of the day went by without a hitch. Marla teased you about your reluctance to deal with Kid. She teased you quite often actually.

"Someone has a crush on a shinigami~" she'd coo.

You always just ignored her, but this was ridiculous. Hoi could never have those kinds of feelings for anyone, especially not him.

A Soul Like No Other (Death the kid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now