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Ah, we're to him. Phillip CTC, (Cinnamon Toast Crunch) the one and only, Phil I gots somtin to say! Thank you! All I needed in fourth grade was to get that rabid squirrel off me! Ii helped. Sao Mayo was off my back after you caught her shiny, slimy eye. She had the biggest crush on you! So big, she had changed her favorite cereal to Cinnamon Toast Crunch for you! That's how much she wanted your loving! She was attracted to me, like a raccoon to food, or a happy napper to sleep, I was her one and only, and now she is mine. I need her now, and now, I regret saying thank you to Phil, I CHANGE MY MIND, GOD DAMNIT, IM GOING OVER TO PCTC'S HOUSE AND ILL SET HIM STRAIGHT!

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