Harriet Tubman

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This woman. The Underground Railroad. The slave escape. I love you girl. When you answered that door oh dawgy was I excited!
"Hi" is what I said to you. GOD! I'm so (WARNING) fucking (YOU'RE GOOD NOW) stupid!!! hi! I should say Hello or You're my idol not hi! She says back to me that I should come in and she knows why I've been knocking on everyone's door. I go inside and i say another retarded thing.
"What?" not how? or how do you know? or why are we in here? (to keep suspicion low) but I say WHAT?!?!??!!!? I hate myself, Munchkin do you still love me? She told me to sit and pointed to a comfy looking love seat and she sat on the other side. It was not as comfy as it looked. I asked her if we'd be here for long. AGAIN WITH THE STUPIDITY! AT THIS POINT, SHE PROBABLY THINGS IM SOME MENTALLY RETARDED MESSED UP SLOW KID! But then she says, let me help you. And I feel better. I ask her her name and she says Hillary Tubemen. That's what she changed her name to so no one would be suspicious as to why she was still alive, and I asked we about her age.

For you, MunchkinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang