The kissy

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We're in the back of Mrs. Bitchers class and we are talking about how to defeat Dickworth.
"I think we should ghostbuster her. Those guns might work they worked when Dante an Richard used them on me." I suggested
"Well, you're a human, I think, she's not." Barbie replied.
"I am a human that was rude to say."
"Sorry, not sorry"
"I'M NOT STANDING FOR THIS!" I scream. Everyone in Bitchers class heard it but doesn't know what's going on. "Get me out of this classroom, I'm gonna fight, for my right, to be fr-"
All of the sudden she's smooching me right on my juicy, tender lips.
It's amazing.
She's so good at kissing, I start kissing back, we bite each others bottom lips, tongue touches tongue, and then I realize, I can't do this, I'm in love with Sao Mayo!
I push her away, a little too far and she rolls out of the cloak and everyone sees her clearly and are all afraid out of there living human being minds.

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