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So that baby. Remember? NO? HOW WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT HIM! Bah humbug! Never mind! Anyways, Philosopher, the baby, is also a wizard. But listen here. HE. IS. THE. MOST. EVIL. MAN. EVER TO EXIST! And we need to take this trucker down. Got it, good. Lets go then. A while ago they started heading back to Phil's house and I'm following. They can't just teleport because Julia isn't a wizard, therefore won't come with them. Im'a steal that there baby if it's the last thing I do. And Im'a kill 'em. Mwahahaha! Now, let's go follow those wizards why don't we, wait. I was so busy talking, they got away! Where'd they go? ( WARNING LANGUAGE UP AHEAD) FUUUUUUCCCKKKKK! HOW'D THIS SHIT HAPPEN? I FUCKING HAAATTEE EVERRYYTIIINNGG!

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