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"What do you think?" Kiki giggled and twirled around in her white dress, looking at the mirrors mounted on the walls and arching her back to see her defined ass.

"Pretty" I muttered, bored out of my fucking mind. The girl was so damn giddy and shit, trying on countless dresses to find the 'perfect one' for Ray. She stood before the three panelled mirror, gorgeous as fucking ever. The dress she wore was beautiful, an intricate tapestry of satin. This is the fifth fucking dress she's worn.

"Pretty but not sexy and bangable." Kiki scowled. "I'm changing-"
I let out a heavy groan, my back laying on the ottoman while my neck and legs dangle overboard. It's been three long hours of mall shopping with Kiki and I was starting to lose my fucking sanity.

"I beg of you Kiki" I whined. "Please just choose from the five and buy a damn dress."

"But Ray-"
"Fuck Ray." I pushed myself onto my feet and put two hands onto her shoulders, shaking her violently. "Fuck him. He's probably excited out of his mind to see you for the first time in three months" I said with a giggle. "I bet he doesn't even give a damn about what you wear to the bar tonight, babe. As long as you drag your ass there yourself, he'll be satisfied."

Kiki pursed her lips, studying her side profile in the mirror. "Fine. Fine ok I'll.. I'll take this one"

"I love you." I kissed her cheek and spun her around, my chin on her shoulder as we both look at her body in the reflection. "Look at yourself . Ray would be so damn happy. You'll make him fall in love all over again and shit"

Kiki laughed and shrugged me off her shoulders. "I hear you I hear you." She crossed her arms, looking directly at me through the reflection of the panelled mirror. "Now about you..."

"Kiki please" I scoffed. "I don't need a dress. I'm not planning to sell my body off to anyone. Besides, Papa already gave me a cute flower dress before I left."

"Alia that dress is horrid" Kiki winced and I let out an offended gasp. The girl had the fucking audacity to giggle.

"You did not just..."
"Oh but I did." Kiki muttered with a chuckle. "Grow the fuck up Alia. I'm not letting your ass go out in that shitty rag."

That snobby little..

"Fine." I muttered and rolled my eyes, my arms crossed. My tongue flicked along my teeth as I looked down at the array of dresses Kiki picked out for herself. "What should I wear?"

Kiki hummed, kneeling down and looking through the four dresses on the floor. "This." She held up a black satin dress, one with a crisscross strap on its back and a slit on its side. It was something WAY out of my comfort zone since I'm one to usually wear puffy short floral dresses instead like the fucking nerd I am.

"I dunno Kiki.." I mumbled, sucking in air between my teeth as I looked at the dress. It's sexy for sure.. provocative. "It doesn't really suit my style."

"Shut the hell up you're wearing it-"

Kiki shoved the dress against my chest and scurried off outside the fitting room, shifting the curtains shut as she left.

I rolled my eyes with a smirk, pulling the dress up to my chest as I looked at myself in the mirror. It's a beautiful dress for sure, and the material was definitely to my taste. In a haste, I pulled my hoodie up, replacing the fabric with the smooth and soft one of the dress. It slid down my body, it's coolness sending an inviting  shiver down my spine as it made contact with skin.

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