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"No." Antonio muttered, his hands on the wheel as he drove down the road.

"What do you mean no?" I narrowed my eyes at him before continuing on with fixing up my makeup in my mirror. I snapped it shut before stuffing it back in my makeup bag. "It's only drinks with Kiki. I'll take an Uber back and I promise I'll stay over tonight. I'm not leaving."

I saw the frown on his face, an expression evident by his frustration to not see me for another few hours. Adorable. "I'm not letting you take an Uber back."

"Why?" I looked over at him. "I know you'll most likely be at work tonight and I don't want to pester you."

Antonio let out a sigh, turning the wheel slightly to take a turn on the road before parking the car right outside of GC news' office, looking over at me to place his hand over mine. "Well I'll leave early to pick you up. I don't trust random fucking people to drive you around—you don't know their intent."

"If it makes you sleep better at night then fine." I smiled and leaned closer to plant a quick kiss on his lips. "I gotta go."

"Give me a proper fucking kiss." He hissed, to which I responded by planting a deep kiss back, hearing him let out a light groan against my lips. His hand found its way to my cheek, gently caressing it as our make out session grew more passionate. Such a needy man.

"You're a child." I whispered against his lips with a smile. He looked down at me, his eyes hooded as he let out a baritone chuckle.

"Stay out of trouble, dolcezza." He planted another kiss on my lips before leaning over to open my door from the inside. Two fingers tilted my chin up prior to feeling his soft lips against my skin once more. "I'm picking you up at nine. Promise to call or text me, ok?"

"I hear you." I let out a sigh, feeling him plant gentle kisses along my jaw. Antonio is, without a doubt, a very affectionate man. God, I couldn't ask for anything less.

"Ok enough. I'm going." I giggled and hung my satchel over my shoulder upon unbuckling my seatbelt before I blew a kiss to him. "Have fun at work."

I heard his deep groan as I walked away from the car, drawing a giggle out of me. I enjoyed making him frustrated.. making him stressed—as psychopathic as that sounds. Only gives me the excuse to make it up to him by letting him take all my attention once we're alone.

Once I walked inside, I looked over my shoulders to see him finally drive off, speeding down the road. Puffing my curls out, I brushed my hair out with my fingers, drawing it to the back to tie it up in a bun as my lanyard hung confidently around my neck. The outfit for today was a backless cream jumpsuit with a knot to secure it in place, along with white heels. It was sharp—contrasting the looser outfits I wore prior.

I had someone to impress today, and that lucky person was going to be Anais.

If I wanted to convince her to let me interview Alonzo, then I had to do it the smart way. I don't want to lose any chances, especially knowing how strict GC news is with the things their journalists are writing about.

I scanned my ID card and rode the elevator all the way to the 12th floor, to which the doors opened with a ding. It was much quieter in comparison to the 25th floor, where my desk was. I looked around before making my way towards her office door.

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