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"I can't fucking believe you." Kiki snarled, offended as she explored my kitchen cabinet, taking out a packet of chips before waltzing over to join me on the sofa. "Replacing me like that. What am I? A tool?"

"You're being dramatic." I rolled my eyes and snuggled with her. "You're busy anyways with your own studies. I didn't want to take up your time with pick ups and drop offs."

"Yeah but I'm your girl, you know?" She looked at me and stuffed her face with chips. "Not Antonio."

I rolled my eyes and pulled the blanket up to our chests. It was sunny out and it felt too fucking good to be a Monday. Nevertheless, I wanted to chill since my period was fucking with me physically and who else to spend time with than Kiki, the one fucking person who can't seem to shut the fuck up and enjoy the silence. Loved her to bits though.

"Are you scared you've got competition?" I side eyed her and grinned, nudging her shoulder. "Huh? Tell me."

"Mm..maybe." Kiki chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I'll square up with him if I have to."

"Fuck okay then." I mumbled. "Have fun winning that."

We both snuggled up warmly together on the sofa, watching some shitty 90s movie I found on my old hard drive. I opened my mouth as Kiki willingly fed me chips. We were like an old married couple and I fucking loved it.

"So what did you two get up to the other day?" Kiki narrowed her eyes and looked down at me. "Aside from unpacking."

I chewed my food, my eyes clinging to the TV because I know damn well where this is heading. "Nothing much, I mean we were literally just moving shit around, decorating the place and whatnot."

"Oh my god I can't I fucking—" Kiki sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Did you guys you know, move the furniture."

"Ok. Calm the fuck down." I pointed a finger at her and Kiki let out a loud chuckle. "First of all—and fucking listen to me."

"I'm listening."
"We met four days ago." I emphasised. "Four. Second of all—and this is gonna sound fucking shocking—but we were there to unpack."

"No moving.. furniture?" She pouted and I gave her a slow nod.
"Literally, not metaphorically."
"You're such a fucking draaaag" Kiki's voice dropped with melodrama as she let out a groan and I laughed. The girl was let loose like a fucking dog.

"You're acting like this completely fucking normal between you and Ray."
"It is. Twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five or whenever we have the time because he's always got places to be." She said without hesitation and I instantly fucking regretted asking her that question in the first place. I put my attention back to the TV and scowled.

"Virgin ass bitch."

We both laughed at each-other's nicknames and quickly got back into the lazy mood of watching the TV. We all need a Kiki in our lives and if I lost her one day, I'd fucking weep like there's no tomorrow. She's been my baby since 9th grade—going from my enemy to the best fucking friend any little girl would wish of having.

"You want anything, babe?" I looked over at her and asked. "I've got alcohol, wine, food.."

"Wine would be nice" She sighed and leaned her head onto my shoulder. "Red if you've got it."

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