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I wanted to crawl into a fucking hole and die.

It was nearing the last few days of my period, yet for some fucking reason it decided to leave me with a thoughtful parting gift: excruciatingly painful post period cramps.


It was Thursday—practically the end of the week and I've even gotten off coffee in favour of this, yet the fucking cramps still lingered. It's gotten to a point where I have to clutch my lower belly at times, hoping to at least add pressure to the damn thing.

"You look awful hun." Ruth walked up to me and sat down with me near a window, blowing the steam off a hot cup of coffee. I took my own cup of tea and brought it to my lips.

"My vagina is spewing blood" I groaned and set my cup down, discreetly looking at messages on my phone. Anais gave me the opportunity of leaving early because of this fucking monthly disability and I snatched it without a second thought. My eyes skimmed over the message Antonio sent me a few minutes ago, agreeing to picking me up at an earlier time.

"Ouch. Have fun with that one, girl" Ruth mumbled and I let out another low groan. My insides were literally being stabbed.

"Do you have any painkillers by chance?" I asked, clutching my lower belly. Fuck the pain was getting worse.

"I have a hot water bottle." She replied and took out a red bottle out of her bag, walking over to the break room kitchen to fill it up with hot water. I let out a sigh of relief, hoping this'll at least help me a bit.

"I usually use this for my cramping legs when sitting down and getting my shit done but you can use it for now." Ruth spoke and I gave her a warm smile, taking the bottle. "Sorry if it's a bit bulky—"

"Don't sweat it. I'm leaving early in a few minutes anyways." I waved my hand off. "I can't wait to go home and take a warm fucking shower."

My phone vibrated and I flipped it over on the table, reading the message Antonio sent me.

Antonio: 'I'm outside.'

"Praise the gods." I gulped down the last drops of my tea before walking over to give Ruth a hug. "You don't mind if I keep this for a while?"

"Keep it, I've got other ones at home." Ruth smiled and hugged me back. "Look after yourself, hun."

"Will do." My arms slid off her and I gave her a polite wave before walking towards the elevators. As much as I was excited to go back home and snuggle under the confinements of the covers of my bed, I was more excited to see Antonio. I know he's been chauffeuring me around all week but let's be fucking fair—who wouldn't get tired of seeing a hot fucking face like his? I scanned my ID card and took the elevator down to the first floor, stepping foot onto the tiled floor the second the doors opened.

It was at that time did another cramp hit and I let out a painful wince. Bloody menstruation cycles. Through blurry vision, I saw Antonio walking over to me in a cream hoodie, a bit concerned to see my back hunched over a bit.

My next move was solely blamed on my period.

I didn't take a second to wrap my arms around his waist, bringing him into a warm embrace. He was so fucking warm and I found no use in using the hot water bottle anymore. I could tell Antonio was a bit stunned with the way he stilled and with my head against his chest, I felt his heart rate pace. The power I have over him.

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