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"Everyone has a past, Alex. Including her and we need to find it," I grit out as I exit off another useless article revealing nothing to me about Ivy.

Ivy St.Claire. 

It was easy to find her name considering we had an open file on her here at Shadowborn.

We kept files on all successful assassins in Lotus apparently, Martin wasn't joking when he said Lotus was the only organisation to rival our own. The problem was when I opened Ivy's file I saw her name, her suspected age a bunch of photos of her at various events and blank pages.

We didn't know her birthday, her parent's name, where she lived. Fuck I was only assuming she was French based on the origins of her last name.

And google was failing to do anything for me, I had Alex and Axel searching for anything about her for the past hour and we were all coming up with fuck all.

It was infuriating.

"I know she's the enemy and all that but god damn is she hot," Axel muttered. I turned from my screen to see him looking at a photo of her at a Christmas party last year. She was wearing a dark green dress that hugged curves I'd forgotten she had. 

It matched her eyes. She was laughing in the photo with another woman, it was a perfect candid shot of her.

Yeah, she wasn't hot. Ivy was fucking beautiful, that was why she was so poisonous.

I smirked to myself, remembering our encounter the other day. I had planned to kill her the moment I saw her, but there was something oddly intriguing about watching her set up. She was so unaware I wondered how her kill count was so high. 

It wasn't ego that made her think no one would try and kill her, I think she genuinely just wasn't even thinking about the mission, she had stared at the sky for so long that I myself looked up, wondering if she had spotted a UFO. 

And then those deadly green eyes met mine and I planned to fire. But our fucking bullets collided. I knew the possibility of that was practically impossible. Our aim, our timing, and the speed of the bullets all managed to match up and spare both of our lives.

I should have shot her again, I would have hit her. I'll regret not doing it until I die. I was weak at that moment, completely caught off guard and so was she. We were both watching each other in awe and hate and bewilderment.

Too many feelings mixed, Ivy should have been dead three weeks ago when I first met her and every second I allowed her to live meant another second that my life was in danger.

I'm not naive enough to think she won't come after me, and I'm not arrogant enough to think she couldn't kill me. She could and she'd probably do it flawlessly.

"Focus, there has to be something online about her," I said, working my jaw as I looked back at my computer.

Alex chuckled and shook his head, "Is there anything about you online? Didn't think so. Face it, bro, you met your match."

I blew out a short breath, I had figured.

Axel whistled and I spun my chair around to face his screen, "Major reach but over here there's a news article about a car crash in Nice, France. They say the mother, Camille St. Claire was killed on impact. And...her thirteen-year-old daughter was in the car but she survived."

"Is the daughter named?" Alex asks.

"Don't you think if she was I would have said her fucking name?" Axel asks, dryly. I ignore both of them as I skim over the article.

This was a reach but it was likely the best we were going to get, if Ivy's mother was dead I couldn't exactly threaten her but it could be a sore spot for me to push at.

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