▹ cue: a grave mistake

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HE WAS seated right next to me on the sofa, all comfied up with pillows and blankets just like me as we watched The Legend of Anle. He was silent  for most of the time while he watched, much to my delight.

Once we both finished, he offered to cleanup and throw everything in the trash. I tried to refuse but he insisted. And all I could think of was, 'well, if you insist'.

Once that was done, he went back to the guest room and I went back to my room. Rolled up and all comfy in my quilt blanket, I tried to get some shut eye. And thankfully, I did.

Not so much though.

In the morning, I woke up to clattering and screaming. Alarmed, I quickly ran out of my room to see what the issue was. It was the little brunette. He stood there in the kitchen staring at what seemed to be broken pieces of ceramics and some metal utensils on the floor. I quickly ran to the scene to se the gravity of the issue.

Tears glossed my eyes as I looked at the ceramic cup he had broken.

"Hey i'm really sorry," He apologised, his eyes seeming to hold guilt.

"Shut the fuck up," I yelled at him, quickly trying to piece the cup together.

"Hey, do you need to be so rude? Don't yell. Come on, it's just a cup-"

Oh the nerve.

"It's not just any cup," I chocked out in between sobs. He wouldn't know, he wouldn't understand. It really wasn't just any cup. It was the last. The last thing I got from them.

"Well if your really that upset, I could get another one for you," He offered, reaching his hand out to help me stand. I smacked his hand away.

"Get out."


"I said. GET OUT," I screeched out.

"Wait- I,"

"get out."

This time, no 'buts' or 'wait's. He ran out the door with his things, leaving me alone.

I kneeled on the floor, my hands gripped onto the broken pieces of ceramics. Memories from back then came flooding into my mind and the only thing I could do was cry. He could've broken anything else. Why did it have to be this cup.

Tears still rolled down my cheeks as I tried to prove the cup together with glue and tape.

"Oh nothing will work. Nothing will fix it." More tears rolled down this time as every attempt to fix the cup failed. And it was almost time for school but I sat there, messy-haired with red puffy eyes.

I decided I wasn't going to school.

Not in this state.

Not when the last physical memory of them was now shattered.

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