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Momma, Momma, I want some pie

It tastes so good, my oh my

I will share it with the cat

If I eat it all, I'll get fat

Yesterday I baked a cake

I made it with my best pal Jake

But his girl got green with envy

So she gave me a rant quite lengthy!

Tomorrow night I'll make some brownies

I might share them with the townies

I'll even add a special additive

Chocolate super laxative!

Know what's good for the heart?

A sweet and cold apple tart

Just remember to save a piece

For the lady with the geese!

Candy, candy, tasty and sweet

Just the thing I love to eat!

But it makes me feel so menaced

When I go and see the dentist!

My favorite dessert is so well known

Tutti Frutti ice cream cone

But it eat it slowly, please

 Lest you get the bad brain freeze!

Silly Rhymes from a Silly Manحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن