P A R T - 3

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"Drop your guns, all of you. Right now before I do something which will make you all regret the decision not to."

They drop their guns, each dropping with a thud.

"Kick them to me."

All three guns slide towards me.

"You, ponytail. Slowly reach for your gun and kick it away from us."

"I don't think their's a need for this-"
He's cut off by my shot right beside his leg.

"I don't think you're in a position to tell me what's needed and what's not."

"Fine!" He drops the gun and kicks it away.

"Why don't you go sit back, yeah darling?" I say pointing my gun away from his head now.

As he walks away to sit on the couch with the other three, I grab a chair and sit right in front of them.

"You see gentlemen, I invited each and every guest for the funeral personally, I know each and every one of them and how they are related to my father. The only 4 people I didn't invite are sitting in front of me." I said, flailing my gun around in the air while talking. I realise I might be slurring just a teeny bit because I was just a little buzzed I guess.

"Their was an announcement, in the paper." One of them said. "And we didn't know we needed an invite to enter."

"It didn't have an address" I snap back.

"Yes, it didn't but we thought you know, we would just ask the boss, you must've have invited him, and we came."

"I didn't. So now tell me, how-"

"You didn't invite anyone from Horizon? Now that's just rude really." Four eyes said cutting me off.

"Yeah, we worked with the man for 3 years, we deserve to be here." Racoon hair replied, slightly pushing forward and angling his body to reply to him.

"It's my father's funeral, it's my wish. And-"

"Well we're your father's colleagues-"

He was cut off by the sound of my gun shot. He looked down towards his right leg. Blood was slowly trickling down his black trousers.
They were all stunned, speechless.

"Why don't you let the girl with the gun do the talking now, yeah?" ahem I clear my throat as I start to speak again. They must've thought I had no control over myself because of the very, very slight slur in my speech, very slight. So I had to remind them.
"Now that I have the attention of the class. Who the fuck are you and what relation does my father have to you?"

They're all quite. Well other than the one I shot, he's wincing in pain, squirming there like a little bitch.

"Now!" I say pointing my gun at one of them. "Or it's four eyes' turn next."

"Fine! Fine, just don't shoot! Your father, he was a part of the-"

Hello beautiful people!
Ooohhhh cliff hanger huh? Well, I won't let the suspense eat you up much. Slide to the next part or swipe whatever yall do.
Pls pls pls comment.
Also, if you have any requests feel free to send them to me. :)
Happy Reading!

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