P A R T - 10

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I push back my chair and immediately get up as my training kicks in. I turn around to assess the threat and see it was a man, no weapons, no guns, no knives. This man is huge, length and width. I'm sure he's the same weight as a fucking elephant. A pregnant elephant. How the fuck is he so fast? I don't get time to do anything but dodge his attacks and I'm sure I won't be able to keep up with this for long. I see the light of the fire beside me coming from the candles lit on the table I was previously seated at. They are set up on a candlestick. I don't even think about it as I pick it up and swing it at his head, the candles fall down on the table and the hot wax left on it sticks to his bald head.

It didn't do much damage to the giant ofcourse but it did give me enough time to get one of my knives out. As I go to slice that thick neck of his, he gets a hold of my wrist and stops me. How the fuck is he so fast? Who even is he? Bloody quick sliver?

He points the knife back towards me with both his hands as I try my best to defend myself. Quickly, with a push of a button on the handle of my knife, another blade appears out of the other end of it. I use all my strength to push it right into his chestt. Twist it. Blood seeps out of his clothes, he starts to cough and splutter it out of his mouth. He falls backwards on the ground with a thud and I finally get to take in a breath.

I turn around immediately after to see where Rossi was.

He was sitting their. Eating his food as if he was watching a  TV show.

"What the actual fuck Rossi?"

He sets his cutlery down and looks up the scene in front him. He moves to the side a little to look at the body behind me because I was blocking his view, "You killed him." He states plainly. "He was one of my best men, shame."
He gets up now and in the blink of an eye I'm standing in front of him with my knife now to his throat pushing him to sit back down.

He looks as calm as ever as I ask him, "What am I doing here?"

"This wasn't your first kill was it?" He asks completely ignoring my question. At this point I have no idea what is happening. And if I don't know what's happening, I'm not in control. I don't like to lose control. I need answers, information.

"That doesn't matter-"

"Oh but you see cara, it does. For someone who's speaks of their business to be 'completely legal' you really are quite the killer." He says cutting me off.

At this point I'm really just holding myself off from killing him in an instant. My knife slicing around his throat would feel so much better than having to listen to him talk. It takes everything in me not to do it beacuse, afterall, he is the Capo of the Italian Mafia. It'd be too much trouble to kill him. So I play his game.

"I said my business was legal, never said anything about me."

I need to take back control.

"Luca Rossi, you are at my mercy right now. It wouldn't take me second to slice your throat and watch you bleed to death choking on your own blood as you take your last breath." I am towering over him in our position with a hand caging him, right beside his head. It gives me more contol over him. I bend down now, right beside his ear as I whisper it to him. "What the fuck am I doing here?"

"At your mercy?" He chuckles. "potete uscire adesso, ragazzi.
[Italian- you can come out now boys.]

Around 15 men come out of the door nearest to us, all with guns in their hands pointed towards your's truly.

"This wouldn't stop me from killing you." I say recovering from the shock and looking back at him.

"You would die as soon as you do." He rasps in anger as if I broke his little fragile ego with my comment about mercy.

"It would be worth it." I retort.

"Well you're not very wise then, are you cara?" He counters. "But relax, their is no need of killing. At least no need for more of it. Why don't you sit back down and I'll tell you why you're here?" Finally. Answers.

I sit back down on a chair right in front of him.

"You see, Alina, you're here beacuse of your father. But not just to collect some files and keys."

"I don't understand." I say.

"I know that's what we had planned for when you came here, what you had planned. But I have a different agenda." I urge him to continue.

"Your father, Arun. He was a great man, he was great at what he did. He didn't just work under my father in the mafia, he worked under me at Horizon too. He had known my father for a long time, he first worked for him in India and slowly walked his way so high up the hierarchy their that my father decided he was need here.
He was great at sales too, your father. When he worked under me at Horizon, we were at an all time high. He helped me build my company to where it is now. We worked closely."

My father worked with him. Him. We came to Italy because of him. This is all too much. Too fucking much. Why is he telling me this now?

"What's your point? Why are you telling me this?" I say, distress and shock clear in my voice.

"I know we can't find another like him anywhere. But you are a close match."

"What are you talking about?"

Hello beautiful people!
How are you doing? I have published a chapter in the last 24 hours so here's an extra long one and another is right on its way. I hope you all are liking the story by far. I am so happy seeing your comments. They really motivate me to write more. :)
Happy Reading!

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