Part 12 - The morning after

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I open my eyes, Charles is sleeping next to me. He looks amazing, I honestly don't understand how someone can look like that so effortlessly.

All I can think about is last night, I can't even wipe the smile off my face as I do a silent scream into my pillow, not quite believing it was real.

We must have fallen straight to sleep - exhausted.

Last night a rush of terror and emotion overwhelmed me, I was so worried for a moment that we'd made a mistake and our friendship was going to be over. What this means for mine and Charles relationship is still uncertain, I'm nervous for him to wake up - but I'm more excited now than scared.

I see his eyes flutter a little as he begins to wake up.

"Good morning Charl" leaning in to kiss him.

He kisses me back, but something is different. He's reluctant and almost pulls away, I don't know what to think.

He gets up out of bed without saying a word to me and walks straight into the bathroom, the door locks and I hear the shower turn on.

I have a pit in my stomach, I don't know what to feel. My eyes begin to fill with tears. I just lay there silently wondering why he was so cold.

An hour later he emerges from the bathroom.

"Charles?" He doesn't respond. He just leaves the room. I don't know where he thinks he's going to go, we're stuck in this house together, but my heart feels like it's been ripped from my chest.

I've went from a feeling of complete overwhelming happiness, to wanting to completely disappear. What did I do wrong?

I'm not even going to leave the room. I'm not going to chase after him or beg him to tell me what's wrong when he's made me made me feel this small, he can come and talk to me and give me an explanation for his actions or he can leave me alone, I don't deserve this.

I get up and have a shower and get dressed, my emotions are now battling against each other, the more time that passes while I'm still sat in that room, the closer I am to storming and demanding an explanation, but the stubbornness in me wants to stay where I am and wait for him to come to me.

I don't know what to do, or what to feel.

I can hear distant banging and tapping.

He's finishing building the bed in the other room.



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