Part 41 - Bags

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Panicking about all my things still being in Lando's room, I manage to think on my feet a little and tell Charles that I'd checked out and left my bags at the hotel reception.

"I'll contact the hotel I stayed at and ask if we can get them sent to our hotel, that's easier than us having to go back and forth." Once again lying, but I just needed to forget this ever happened and enjoy my time here with Charles.

Trying to leave the red bull ring we're approached by multiple journalists and cameras, there may not have been many people here but there was certainly enough media wanting to get a story.

"Charles is this your new girlfriend?"
"Lilly is it true you'll be driving for Rodin Carlin in F2 next year?"
"Charles wasn't your girlfriend recently spotted with Lando Norris?"

We're bombarded with questions just trying to make our way to Charles car. Eventually getting in and closing the doors, somehow escaping the media without answering any of their questions. That was horrible - I forgot how much I hated media, it's just completely overwhelming.

Driving back towards the hotel I notice there's an orange McLaren behind us - not surprisingly, Lando's at the wheel. Im not sure why I'm shocked he's there when everyone's staying at the same hotel, but I am stressing out a little, and I need to message him about my things.

Instagram message -
Lil: Hey I need to come and get my things from your room when we're back at the hotel. Are you going to be in your room or do you have plans? I'll let you know when I'm coming

Lan: audio message

Oh my god I nearly clicked it. The panic that just rushed through me as I'm sat right next to Charles in the car. Lando is driving behind us so he's obviously responded with an audio message instead of typing but my god that was seriously a close call.

Arriving back at the hotel Charles and I make our way to his room, I feel like I can't be mad at him whatsoever about yesterday given how I'd behaved last night, inside I was really still quite angry that I'd been left, and that he'd lied to me - what if I hadn't bumped into Lando.

Id have been completely stuck after a day of travelling back and forth between countries. None of that is a reasonable excuse for me being in bed with him though.

"Baby I really am sorry about everything, I've been really shit these last couple of days and it's just not good enough - I promise I'll make it up to you tonight." Charles says.

I'm so happy he's saying this and making an effort, but as he leans in, grabbing me and kissing me, instead of the usual butterflies and fire I feel when I'm with him - this time I only feel guilt.

"I'll go and get us some food, the hotel food isn't great but there's a nice Italian around the corner, or would you rather eat out?" He asks.

Id love to go and eat out with Charles on a proper date with him but this is going to be my only opportunity to go grab my things from Lando's room.

"I'm still really tired would you mind just going and getting food and we can just eat in together?" I respond.

"Sure mon amour I won't be long." Planting a kiss on my lips before leaving the room. This time I felt my butterflies come back. I love this man.

I open Lando's audio message.

"Hellooooo I see you, yeah you're welcome to come to my room whenever you want lil, no I don't have any plans? Is this you asking me to do something with you again?"

He's infuriating. I'm so glad I didn't open this in the car.

Waiting a few minutes before I leave, I then make my way out the door towards the lift and up to Lando's room. I have such nerves during the journey up the 6 floors in the lift and I'm not sure why.

I knock on Lando's door and he immediately answers, moving back from the door making a gesture with his arm to come in. It feels like some sort of undercover operation as I look left and right before entering the room, making sure that I'm not seen by anyone.

Scrambling to be as quick as possible picking up my jeans and bra from yesterday off the floor that still remained there, and throwing them in my bag. I'm so messy, I really should have cleared all this up before leaving this morning.

"So, are you sure you don't want to stay a while?" Lando asks.

"Lando no, what happened yesterday can never happen again." I respond.

"That's what you said last time." He smirks.

He wasn't wrong, even standing here in front of him now, I felt something - I'm just not sure what it is. But that's the issue, I only feel this for Lando when it's just him and I alone. What I feel for Charles is incomparable.

"How about a kiss for good luck for tomorrows race?" he whispers jokingly in my ear.

"Landooo stop, I need to go." I say.

"How about we make an honest deal?" He asks.

Intriguing. "What's this deal?"

"If I get my first F1 podium tomorrow, you admit you actually feel something for me and stop lying to yourself." He says.


"And if you don't?" I respond.

"Then I'll leave you and Charles in your little bubble of whatever it is you have going on, and I'll never try pursue you again." He says.

"Whatever it is we have going on - we're in a relationship Lando, and sure you have a deal." I say.

Lando's never been on the podium in F1 and the chances of him getting his first one on his first race back this season is highly unlikely, the McLaren hasn't been a very competitive car and he seemed lucky to get his p4 in qualifying so I'm pretty confident taking this deal.

"I need to go, thank you for letting me stay yesterday, regardless of what happened I really do appreciate it." I say as I leave.

I just want a nice relaxed night with Charles.

Charles returns to the room a few minutes after I've made it back with my bags. He has so much food, half of which he's not really supposed to be eating before the race tomorrow, but we sit and eat so much pasta and pizza just laughing and joking with each other.

It was the first time since I'd seen him before lockdown where we felt like best friends again. I still wanted to tear his clothes off every time he gave me a little smirk with those dimples and his deep inhaling laugh, but more than anything I just wanted to be with him, his presence just makes me feel happy and safe.

"So baby, I said I'd make it up to you..."


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