(CH12) I Wish You Would

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"They say in this life we live, no one gets out alive. Fame money it will destroy you." - Anonymous


"If you start me up I'll never stop. You make a grown man cry, spread out the oil, the gasoline. I walk smooth, ride in a mean, mean machine, Start it up."

The coward was singing so loud with The Rolling Stones. Of course Scarlett was dancing, singing and screaming. Georgia was standing right next to Scarlett. Standing front row at the Stones concert. It was the biggest concert Scarlett has ever been to. With over 60,000 people at the show. As the concert went on Scarlett was having the time of her life. Forgetting about her heartbreak, her problems with her own tour and the feeling of lost. She spent the last four years with James and just like a blink of an eye he was no longer in her life. But Scarlett knew she made the choice Sunday morning. It wasn't what she wanted but it happened. Now she was feeling the world cashing down on her. The presser to keep everything right. Cause now the world will be waiting for her to crash to the ground.

"Jumpin jack flash, Its a gas! gas! gas!."

Scarlett's long curly blonde hair went in front of Scarlett's face as she danced around. She felt like she was in slow motion then time unfroze her and she saw.....

No it couldn't be..... Scarlett saw .... Aaron Tviet and Serinda.

The crowd cheered the Rolling Stones. Scarlett looked away from Aaron and Serinda.

No way out of the 60,000 t people at this show. Scarlett would see Aaron and Serinda. Mick Jagger started talking to the crowed and Scarlett stop thinking about Aaron and Serinda. The Rolling Stones started playing Bitch and Scarlett just lost it. Lost it meaning she was lost in how amazing that song is and how amazing the Rolling Stones are LIVE.

"YEAH LOVE IT'S A BITCH!" Scarlett sang the lyrics loud and proud. Funny that song hit the mood. Soon the concert of a lifetime was now over. Scarlett followed Georgia backstage.

"So what did you think?"

"Freaking amazing! They are so amazing live. I mean I knew that but I'm still going to make a big deal about it every time I see them."

"Right! You seen them before right?" Georgia asked smiling.

"Yes once."

Before Georgia could say anything they heard someone with a British accent talking to them.

"Always great to see you Georgia. I'm glad you and your friend Scarlett Johnson could make it!"

Scarlett couldn't believe who was standing right in front of her. MICK JAGGER.

"Of course dad we wouldn't miss your show for nothing!" Georgia said as she noticed Scarlett was getting starstruck and stepped on Scarlett's foot.

Scarlett came back to Earth. "Amazing show Mr. Jagger."

"Glad you enjoyed the show. Oh I was talking to the other guys about you. Keith mention you are having issues with your soon to be tour and need something to do until that's taken care of."

"Oh..... yeah.... A world tour but need someone to open up for me. Have that person in mind just need to contact them again. You know how show biz goes."

"Yeah a lot of it can be complete bullshit. Don't let the recored labels control you. Besides Scarlett I'm pretty sure you made a name for yourself already. Yeah you haven't been in the business for not even five years. But you already won a lot of awards and have proven you are a serious performer."

"Yeah but those things mean nothing... Who knows what the future holds."

"How about you open a few shows for us?"

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