singing ozpin

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when the group went inside the  hall they saw the students having a good time  winter saw eiss is dancing to a blue haired boy named neptune..while pyrrha is dancing to another man and she had a blush to the man's handsome face.

ironwood saw qrow dancing with his nieces at once..

ironwood- it seems you haven't had a problem to worry ozpin??

ozpin- why would i worry? the king of arcadia let his men to be station here and he order me to retreat the huntress because arcadia will take over. so it was a good opportunity for them to had a day off...and honey i should head out for a while okay i will get your gift for our anniversary...

salem nodded..

ozpin- you guys just enjoy and had fun...glynda follow me

glynda follow ozpin and they went to the changing room..

when they arrive to the changing room 

ozpin- okay boys lets prepare salem was here...

jaune- okay headmaster the floor is yours...i hope headmistress loves what we prepare for her..

ozpin-ohhh she will jaune fufufufuf..she even had no clue that i will sing for her...

cardin- ohhh headmaster this is your night you are the singer of our little group..i am sure headmistress had no idea that you could sing..

ozpin- of course she didn't even know that i could see..with your help guys thank you  for the lesson you teach me...

dove- remember headmaster just imagine salem all the time and don't be so nervous okay...just be free...we are with you all the way...

ozpin- thank you guys for helping me out..

jaune- it was us who will thank you for the things you had done to is our obligation to help you too shall we go...

ozpin nodded and they grab their equipment and go to the back stage while glynda is readying her speech

when glynda is on the stage she talk to the mic and the students  started to listen

glynda-good evening students i am sorry to cut your dance i had an announcement for all..this night is a very special night for the two lovers who spend almost eternity of their endless love. their love is the foundation of their eternal happiness. and this night is the beginning of their eternal happiness and show their affection to each other. and now this night  we would like to honor the eternal love between two lovers because with them it shows us to all that love has no boundaries and love is eternal. so let me call the headmistress of haven academy salem to stand on the center as the beacon show's you the honor of your wedding anniversary.

salem walk on the center and had a blushing face

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