tuning and ruby's performance

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the team spend their day to buy some instruments and everything that rub's band they went home with their deliveries ozpin was shock to see jaune with his friends and some of the workers bringing plenty of crates sand boxes bound to team pnr's room..

after the crates had been laid up jaune paid the workers some cash and nathan was shock to see jaune paind throw a load of cash for each worker...

jaune- okay! now that is finish nora throw that old set on the garbage we will set up your new kit's.

nora obey jaune's order as if he was still her leader so nora throw every music equipment on the window... and they open the box..

cardin- okay ren ruby yang you guys stuff this room with noise canceling foams...we will set this baby of yours...

everybody execute their assigned duties while ozpin is watching them..

after an hour of seting up their equipment the group was happy that they had a brand new  instruments.

ozpin- while i am satisfied to see you guys happy with your brand new kits jaune how much did you spend  your cash???

jaune- almost a million lien

nathan-what!!! you spend a lot for this kits!!!!

jaune- so what i can spend another million without having a trouble!!! 

russel-listen rich boy..we can throw any amount if we like to...so stop whinning i don't know if you are a member to ruby's band  or not so shut it...

pyrrha- uhh nora that guitar it's an expensive one it cost  almost 50.000 lien and it was a signature guitar..

jaune- so you actually had the brain pyrrha..all their new kits are all signature even the mixer and the tuners...i purchase the correct tuners and mixers.. next time if you will planning to buy another set if you had basic instruments buy also a correct speakers and etc.  use your brain for once!!! damn it!!! no wonder you always lost during combat training because you are day dreaming!!!!

nathan- jaune!! you are out of the line!!!

jaune- shut up!!!! and quiet!!!!  i am her former partner!!!!  i had the right to shout your leader!!! you there pyrrha!!! you still don't get my tactics!!!  you are good in solo combat yet you are dumb in team battle!!! listen hear you piece of trash!!! music is like a cambat!!! your instrument are your weapons!!! the stage is your arena!!! the audience is your opponent...how can you play your song if you are using a wrong weapon!!!! once you are on a stage it means you are in a battle field... you had your basic kits but you didn't had a maintenance. no wonder your instruments are all crap because it wasn't even maintained...sheesh.... really pyrrha??? what the hell is wrong with you!!! you are a smart woman yet you are more dumber in many ways...some times i didn't get you...sheesh....what the hell is happening to you pyrrha...

blake-jaune dear hat is enough...

jaune- no sweetie pyrrha needs to wake up she is a leader of her team and she acts like  a maid...sigh...it's better ren should be the leader...i am more comfortable that ren took my place and i can sleep in peace without thinking about my old team... because pyrrha is unfit to be a leader...ren i will trust you to lead the team...you already know my style...you are more capable to lead the team not some amazon without brain...

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