003 | Brother |

267 20 4

It was as if morning was never going to return. The moon was still full while the sky was still pitched. You have been sitting in on the balcony ever since Seonghwa fled down the hall once hearing an alarm. You could still recall the expression on his face as if it was frozen like a movie reel that had gotten stuck in your mind...


"You don't seem like a monster..." You managed to blurt out feeling his fangs graze over your neck. You held your breath preparing for the worst, or maybe the even best. But from your words, Seonghwa suddenly backed away, a shocked expression grew upon his porcelain face.

"Ha, you are something else." Quickly ditching the shock for a sweet dumbfounded smile. Placing his hands on the railing he leans over, staring down across the large estate. Deep down his heart skipped, he wanted to scare you, see if you'd run away like every human he has met, but the pull you both felt made neither of you hesitant. It drove him crazy, he really thought of himself as a monster but yet you say otherwise.


Turns out the reasoning for Seonghwa's quick disapperance was a bunch of humans tried entering the grounds through the back gating, lucky for the brothers, the walls that are the back gating are tall bricked and almost impossible to get through, unluckily is that part of the manor is not spelled. So if anyone ever managed to get through, they would be exposed to the creatures that lie in the manors borders. So when the alarms went Seonghwa made clear instructions for you to stay where you were. You did listen, for about 5 minutes, leaving down the hall towards where you saw Seonghwa flee.

The halls were winding, you could easily get lost if you didn't know where anything is. And that's exactly what has happened to you. Finding a large door that looks like the exit to the backyard you entered through seeing it wasn't what you thought but in fact was a Dinning room. A large dark oak table with who knows how many chairs surrounding it. The room was the same colour scheme as the whole manor. Dark green felt over the centre of the table, decorating it. Walking deeper into the room you look outside one of the tall arch windows, you see the back yard with the giant wall, spotting where the people managed to get in. It looks like they climbed it, having ropes and other climbing gear abandoned on its face.

"Curious creatures humans are, they are always sticking their noses where it shouldn't be." You freeze at the voice echoing around the room. It wasn't Seonghwa, but another. His voice a pitch higher, lacing with glee, he chuckles sound sinisterly, as if he enjoys putting fear in you.

"I agree, but I think this one is supposed to be here." Another voice, a cute one, sounding like a cheery schoolboy joined in with the other. You stay frozen at the window, feeling your blood run cold. You might feel curiosity and odd comfort towards Seonghwa but the creatures in the room with you now are nothing but driving you to fright. Turning slowly you look around the dimly lit room, thanking that there is enough candles lit on the two large chandeliers to light most of the dark patches of the room.

"Are you scared Kitty?" The first male chuckles, his voice coming closer, but you still couldn't see him. That's until you feel someone behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Why does that keep happening to you? When Seonghwa did it, you were weak to the knees, but this stranger was nothing more than that, a stranger.

"Sannie manners!" The second man giggled, suddenly appearing in front of you as if he run with super speed. He was handsome, no doubt, his hair dark with blonde peaking underneath, his smile was sly, fangs boring through his lips. Was he the same creature as Seonghwa? Or was he something else? Your questions got answered quickly as both his eyes glowed a crimson red. He wasn't like Seonghwa, so what is he.

"Your heart is racing so much, If it keeps that up it might burst out of that pretty chest of yours." The male behind you, that the second one called Sannie held you tight while he purred... Did he purr? Like a cat. The soft noise humming in your ear.

"I wonder why Hyung let you out of his sight? Or maybe... You disobeyed him didn't you Doll?" The man in front smirks, grabbing your chin with his fingers lifting your face to stare into his eyes. It was like he was searching for something like you had a secret and your eyes were his gateway to it.

"That's enough! Hwa will kill you both if you harm his mate." A very VERY deep voice, unlike anything you've heard before called in the dark. His voice was strong, alluring, it was like lust and sin covered in honey.

"Oh come on Mingi, you're supposed to be a being of temptation, yet you never let us have any fun." The man holding you whimpered, clearly upset with the male you found was named Mingi.

"I might be, but I have common sense along with it. Which means knowing what's mine..." His voice stopped momentarily to appear from the shadows, his black aura and violet eyes making you gulp. He spins a strand of your hair between his fingers before putting it behind your ear speaking again... "And What's not..."

"Come on, there is still one human running around, Jongho already took care of the others but we need your feline skill San to get where he is." Mingi chuckles, pulling away from you altogether talking as if you no longer met his interests. San finally lets go of you, stepping to the front, letting you see him for the first time. His hair is a dark maroon with matching cat eats and tail sticking out of the top of his pants. 'So he is a cat?' You thought, looking him up in down, never seeing someone, or more so something like that.

"Hey take a picture kitty, It'll last longer." He purred noticing your stare. You look up at him, coming out of your own thoughts, suddenly making eye contact with the man. His eyes resemble a cat, a hazel golden colour with dark slit pulps. The three men stand in front of you, drinking in every aspect of your body. You felt naked even though you were clothed. They were very intimidating.

"I suggest you find your way back to Seonghwa's room. Trust me you don't want to run into any of our other brothers." Mingi winked before taking his leave, the other two follow shortly behind, leaving you behind. 


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