004 | Catacombs |

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Taking Mingi's empty warning was not currently on your list of things to do. Yes, these boys might be supernatural creatures and you are only a mere human, but that doesn't mean you have to follow their orders as if they were superior. So you continue wondering further into the manor. You come across many different rooms, a library, kitchen, studies, this place had everything. Trying your best not to run into anyone else, as Mingi warned you, that part you took into account. But your mind starts to wonder if all of the brothers may be in one place, trying to catch the last human that trespassed, since it seemed you have been to almost every room and haven't come across one of them.

A quick rush of cold air swims up your exposed legs, mentally punching yourself for wearing shorts. Your eyes gaze down the long hall seeing an old weathered staircase going down into pitch black... Most likely to Yeosang's dungeon, Seonghwa was talking about. Stopping at the top, you think of the situation momentarily, contemplating if you should venture into the dark, wet tunnelling, or if you should take Mingi's full advice to go back to Seonghwa's room and wait. Shaking the thought, you slowly stepped down on the cold bricked steps, curiosity eating at you too much to pass the opportunity that lays in front of you.

The candles lit were so dim you only saw a couple of feet ahead of you before it became too dark to see. Holding your arms around your chest, a feeling spills in your gut telling you to turn back but you pursuit anyways, taking all the twists and turns quickly realising this is no normal dungeon, not that you've been in one, no this place is more like catacombs... Never-ending, multiple paths and an unlikeness of finding your way without being trapped for hours. The light around you soon becomes lighter, noting the candles have now been replaced by lanterns, burning a brighter flame.

"Take the B3 tunnel, he couldn't have gotten far! Jongho, Yunho, check and guard the other three, see exactly why they are here while Yeosang is preparing the memory wipe. And someone find Seonghwa!" The voice sounded strong, like a leader, but he was also in distress, these humans that crossed over the wall must really be giving the brothers a hard time. You peak around the corner and see a large room cut out of the rock, lab tables, books, equipment, even herbs and all sorts. It was also clean, like a chunk of the house was teleported in the centre of the rock below.

You find yourself on a mezzanine, looking down over the railing you see the man that held the strong voice from moments ago. His dark orange hair slicked back, his skin pale to almost white, tattoos covering most of his exposed skin, leading you to believe the rest of him would be covered in the ink too. His gaze suddenly pierces yours as he turns his head towards you, making you jump back. Did he see me? You thought side stepping back into the tunnel you were just in, becoming clear from sight.

"That was close..." You sighed, holding your heart thinking you were now undetected. But the fear soon filled your senses as someone grabbed you, cupping his hand over your mouth so you are unable to scream. You try to jump out of his grip, shaking your body around his hold. He wasn't one of the brothers you've met, nor seen. In fact, he doesn't even look like one of them, he looks almost normal.

"Hey shh, be quiet and I won't hurt you. Okay?" His voice comes out in a pant, his body trembling as his eyes dart around the small space. It finally clicks in your head who this man is. He wasn't one of the brothers, but the human they were looking for.

"You don't seem like them, maybe you're a different species? You're gonna help me, yes, get me out. A get out ticket..." His words ramble out of him, like word vomit spilling off his tongue. You manage to pull away while he let his grip loosens ever so slightly, making you hit the floor hard.

"Hey! No...Please no they'll kill me! I need..." He grab you with more force this time, trying to get you into a locked position, so you would be unable to move. You wrist tight in his grip you thrash your legs against him, one of his hands coming up to your mouth, muffling your screams. Your heart begins to race, tears pickling on your skin. His body weight hits your abdomen as he sits on you, trying to keep you from leaving. He keeps rambling words over and over, 'Free' 'Kill' 'No' 'Please'. None formed a sentence but you knew he wasn't going to be up for any sort of reasoning. You pushed your neck back, making his hand over your mouth slide enough to release your top lip. You swing open your jaw and bite him with all your force, to the point you draw blood.

"Ouch, you bitch!" His mind full of rage, he slaps you across your face making you whimper in sudden pain.

"SEONGHWA!!" You scream his name, unsure why your brain thought to call him, but all you could think of was you should have never disobeyed him in staying put while he dealt with the humans. Your tears running, falling onto the floor, your body became numb, it felt as if time slowed down. Appearing in your fuzzed view, glowing eyes one of golden and the other of crimson. It was Seonghwa.

"Men should know..." He grips the man by the back of his neck, swinging him to the wall, Seonghwa's grip holding him off the ground, making the man's leg dangle.

"...Not to touch what isn't theirs," He growled, bitting the man's neck, his fangs sinking in deep. The man screams in agony, gripping onto Seonghwa trying with all his force to push him away, but to Seonghwa the man's strength was nothing more than a small pinprick. You stare at the situation unfolding in front of you, your ears threatening to bleed at the sounds of the stranger. you should feel scared, but you become so numb, it was like your brain couldn't find the emotion at the moment. Seonghwa seemed to also have enough of his screams ripping his fangs away from the man's neck, bringing a large chunk of his jugular with him. Dropping the now twitching lifeless body, he spits the chunk of flesh to the side before wiping his mouth.

"God your blood is disgusting." He groans in distaste spitting some of the extra blood that remained on his tongue. He turns to you, still on the ground, slightly hurt from the attack previously. His eyes still glowing and his face and chest now covered in blood. Looking down at his clothes, he scoffs knowing it's going to take ages to get the stain out.

"Are you scared of me Princess?" He tilts his head to the side, wondering since now you've seen his true nature, you would become repulsed by him. But that was the exact opposite to how you felt at this moment. Standing up quickly, you run into his arm, wrapping yours around his waist, crying harder than before. Feeling a sense of relief that it was over. This causes Seonghwa to shock, not knowing where to place his hands, ending to settling them on around you, precipitating the hug. His heart now racing instead of yours, unable to register what is happening. You don't know why you did it but it felt like the only thing to do. Yes, you were scared, you were terrified, but for some reason after spending only a couple of hours with Seonghwa, you knew he would never hurt you.


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