006 | Mysterious |

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The manor has become quiet. Time slowly passed by. The echoes of screams slip in the distance. The birds waking up, songs muffled out into the background. It became peaceful. The curtains sway and shift, dragging gently across the floor. The breeze, cool, sending a draft on the wooden planks. The curtains block the rising sun, beams of small flickers, creeping their way in. Fog covered the circular mirror, hazing the air in the large black and gold themed bathroom. The sounds of wet footsteps on cold tiles and light moans gather around the room. You hold Seonghwa tight, while he stumbles over to the vanity, pushing aside any products that lay on the surface.

"H-Hwa..." You groan into his mouth, tugging at his thick hair. His hands grip any part of your bare flesh he can retch.

"Shh my love, you don't want my brothers to hear you." He growls as his lips trail down your neck onto your collar bone. Your breathing shakes, snaking your hands down his chest, feeling the wet fabric cling to him. His teeth graze over your hot flesh as he sucks hard, making a trail of purple marks in his way. He whispers sweet nothings, bringing his face up to look at you. His smile is soft but his eyes are filled with bright red lust. It was like he was waiting for this moment since the first breath he ever took. It felt like centuries just to finally lay his hands on the one person in the world that he would call his, his mate, you.

"I want to–SEONGHWA!!" A loud male voice screamed behind the bathroom door, making Seonghwa groan.

"What!" Seonghwa yelled back, sitting up straight from you, making you feel cold, the breeze prickling your skin.

"Hoongjoong is looking for you!!" The man replies again only this time the door slowly opens making Seonghwa run at his inhuman speed blocking the males view into the bathroom.

"Tell him I'm busy!" He growls, annoyed at the man.

"I can't, he needs you now in the dining hall." The man whispers sounding scared. Seonghwa sighs rubbing the bridge of his nose before saying fine, making the male leave through his room out to the hall.

"I'll be back, okay Princess." He smirks, grabbing your wet clothes before exiting the room in the same direction as the other man. It's now your turn to sigh, getting off from the vanity, you grab the blouse Seonghwa gave you. Slipping the fabric over your body once you dried off.

Walking out into his room, you see one of the maids, she was small, pale. Her black hair, pinned behind her with a headband. You smile at her, making her jump a little.

"Ms Y/n. Master Park wanted me to provide you with some food and something to drink. Please eat." She weakly smiles showing the array of food along with some water and wine on the coffee table that sits in between the couches by the fireplace.

"Thank you." You smile back at her. She bows before taking her leave towards the door but you stop her.

"Hey, could I ask you something..." You trail off. She turned with a nod walking back towards you. You gesture for her to sit down but she's hesitant at first, never being invited to sit with someone from the Manor. She explained that it wasn't because the men were bad but she was there to work, that's it.

"What's your name?" You ask, breaking the ice first and foremost before diving into your curiosity.

"Oh I'm Minjae, but Master Woo and San like to call me Minnie." She smiles, taking a grape in between her lips after you were admitted she eats while you do.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Minnie. I wanted to ask some questions. I'm kinda too nervous to ask Hwa." You giggle lightly making her do the same, taking a sip of your drink.

"Ask me anything. I'll be happy to answer."

"Well, okay, so I'm very new to all this and I wanted to ask, what are Hwa and his brothers? And you something too? Oh gosh, that probably sounds offensive I ju–Y/n..." Minnie cuts you off letting out a light laugh grabbing a hold of your hand to calm you down.

"It's okay, Humans are naturally curious. All your questions are valid." She cheers removing herself from you before grabbing another grape.

"So, there are eight of them in total. We have the oldest, Master Seonghwa, your mate. He is a Vampire-hybrid Werewolf. He is one of the first hybrid of his kind. Being cast out from his pack he was doomed to walk alone forever. But that was until he met Hoongjoong, the second eldest. A powerful grey warlock, specialising in incantation and positions he studied the brothers grim for a century falling down the path of necromancy, making him the youngest and most feared practising warlock. Yunho and Yeosang, the twins. Born from a mother witch and a father werewolf. When they were born, Yunho quickly came a strong, alluring pack leader, while Yeosang fell for the love of Herbology, practising white magic. Sadly their parents were killed leaving the two alone until they found this place." She sighs, letting you take in her words.

"San has a different story among the brothers, he would always confidently show off he was different, even to humans, being a shifter. His cat side loved the attention, that was until a hunter kidnapped him and sold him on the black market. He was a slave for many years, doing anything you can think of. Drugs, service, sex, they used him and threw him away afterwards. Seonghwa was the one that found him, bringing him here when San was only 15." She cut off for a moment to take a sip of her drink, letting the information hit you hard. All these boys came from somewhere bad, yet they all act like a family, protecting one another so they would never feel the pain like they once did ever again.

"You have the two trouble makers, Mingi, and Wooyoung. Not much to say about these two. They served some aristocratic in the upper states, Let's just say, when higher class Assholes find out one servant is a vampire and the other is a demon, they don't react kindly." She laughed at her last line, making a mental note to ask more another time about their story.

"And then you have Jongho. The youngest. His story, well more like a history lesson really. Born from the god of war, Ares and a mortal mother. Jongho became one of the first demigods, being titled as the god of strength. He was never accepted, like other demigods, in the realm, having the explanation, 'You are not a full-blooded god' so he was cast to earth. He lived with his mother for a while before she passed, leaving him to wonder until he found this place as the others did." Her story was finally finished, giving you all the unknown information you needed. Sipping on your water you thank her for telling you. She replied with a simple 'it's okay' knowing the feeling of being left in the dark.

"So what are you? You didn't tell me." You tilt your head slight taking another grape.

"I'm complicated." She laughs making you giggle along with her.

"But I must bid you a farewell though, maybe another time I'll tell you, Ms, y/n." She giggles hopping up from her seat making you follow, she gets to the door first while you tell her to wait and stay longer but she closes the door before you.

"Min–" Your words get cut off when you open the door to see Seonghwa on the other side.

"Hwa... where did Minnie go?" You look down the hall but Seonghwa looks at you in confusion.


"The maid that brought me food under your order?" You spoke, looking at him, seeing his face with a cocked brow, confused at your statement.

"All our maids have gone home for the night, and I order the butler to bring you the food. We have no staff called Minnie?" He guided you into the room, making you sit where Minnie sat down while he took your old spot.

"But I was talking to her, she told me about you and your brothers, some backstories. She knew my name...she..." Your words trailed off seeing a photo on the edge of the fireplace. It's faded, dust layered on the framing. You stand up, to wipe the dust away, seeing who was in the photo. It was Minnie the girl you spoke with.

"Her...That's Minnie!!" You look back over to Seonghwa who sat up to look over at the picture. His hand resting in your lower back with a soft smile coming over him.

"That's Park Minjae...My mother. She passed when I was young. This was her Manor before she met my father. She was a high-class vampire. But she lost her title once she fell for a wolf... She was an amazing woman." He spoke so highly of his mother, love spilling through his words. Your heartaches, but your mind wanders. How was it possible that you spoke to his mother that was no longer on this earth.


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