1 Radhika

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At first I was against this marriage, because I hated being a wife who would stay at home and raise their kids.

I want to live for myself, to get a job, fall in love and then get married at my own pace.

Every thing got shattered when my younger brother brought me that news.

It was in the middle of a night when I was chilling watching k dramas after the end of my final year exams.

He told me that my parents were making plans to marry me off.

This news shocked me. I felt betrayed they had promised to leave me alone until I got to stand on my feet.

But now it feels like those promises meant nothing to them.

My mood to celebrate went downhill and I couldn't bear to watch anymore episodes. So I decided to go to sleep.

But sleep too betrayed me. Never once visited me making me look like a zombie the next morning.

My mom let out a startled gasp at my appearance. She dropped the plate in her hand in fright breaking it into several tiny pieces.

Then she brought both her hands to her mouth to show the extent of her shock.

"Mom stop overreacting" I told her in a dead pan manner.

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes at me and walked away to get the broom. I decided it wasn't safe to walk into the kitchen so I decided to lie down on the sofa until the coast is clear.

But the moment my head hit the soft cushion I fell asleep. I woke up startled when I felt a thunderous force hitting me on the arm.

I thought I was being trampled under an elephant. But as I became aware of my surroundings I realized that it was no elephant it was the power of my mother's hand strike.

"Come and have your breakfast, how long should I keep on calling your name" she yelled at me making me unable to retort.

While my whole family was having breakfast, I remembered the news that my brother had brought to me.

I observed my parents to catch even a slight change in their behavior. But contrary to my expectations they didn't show any abnormal behavior.

Since I could find nothing I thought the youngest got the news wrong. So I pushed this matter to the back of my mind.

But it didn't take long for the truth to come out.

MY HUSBAND Where stories live. Discover now