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Raj took care of my stay in the city. He had asked me to directly come to the apartment. He had sent me the address.

The moment I saw him I hugged him tightly and cried my eyes out. Emptying the frustration and anxiety that was blocked inside me for two months.

I don't remember how he tried to console me. Seeing him and being in his embrace made me forget about all restrictions.

I had shown my stronger side to my parents. Not wanting to worry them. But in front of my brother I can finally be myself.

He was there with me the entire day when I adapted myself to the new environment.

I was here now. But had no idea where to begin the search for him.

If it had not been for my brother who supported me, I would have broken down beyond repair.

He started a massive lookout program with the help of his friends to find him.

I provided him with the information I knew. But to my dismay everything turned out to be a lie.

Hrithik had no company here and no friends. Everything he told me was an illusion he created for me.

The last straw of hope snapped when I realised he did not exist in Mumbai. That day I lost my consciousness.

I opened my eyes in the hospital bed. Raj came running to me when I woke up.

"Di are you okay. How are you feeling now." He looked anxious and tired.

"I am sorry because of me." I felt bad at making him go through all this.

"Di, Don't say that. I can never be happy if you are not alright." He said patting on my head softly.

"Miss Radhika how are you feeling." The doctor came in with a nurse. He looked like he walked out of a movie.

He was handsome and the nurse who came with him took glances at him. She took out the needle from my hand and was reluctant to leave without him.

"I am fine." I replied to his earlier question.

"If you feel like fainting next time. Directly come to me. I will take care of you." He said in a suggestive way, earning glares from us.

"I was just joking. Hi Miss Radhika I am Dr. Jay." He introduced himself, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"It's Mrs Singhania," I coldly rejected him.

"Ok no offence." He said in his previous cheerful attitude.

"But Mrs Radhika, where is your husband when you are in this state." He asked me in his easy going manner.

"That's none of your business." Raj growled at him.

"Looks like there is trouble in paradise." He said while mimicking a sad expression.

"You are just a doctor, why interfere into my personal life." I said to him and walked out of there.

There was no need to stay there when my discharge procedure was already done . Raj came out with me.

"Mrs Radhika let's meet again." He called out to me. I ignored him and continued to walk away.

"What's wrong with that guy. We barely know him but he is trying to get under our skin." Raj muttered angrily.

I had a lot on my plate to think about. I couldn't afford to think about a stranger now.

Two days went by after the incident with the doctor. My heart lost hope and I thought of giving up.

A month had been wasted in my search for him. But it turned out with devastating results. I no longer wanted to hold back Raj from his studies.

When he came to visit me in the evening I told him my decision. " Let's stop everything and leave" I said with surety in my voice.

"Are you sure." He questioned me. I nodded my head meeting his eyes.

He did not say anything after that. He left saying I needed time to think thoroughly.

But I had come to this decision after much pondering. I felt tired and thought of sleeping to calm my nerves.

Before I could lie down. I heard the phone ringing in the hall. I got up and went to the hall.

It was an unknown number. "Hello." I answered it.

"Miss me." Hearing his voice I broke out in sobs.

"I hate you," I managed to blurt out in between my cries.

"Darling are you ok. Don't worry about me. I will come to find you soon." He said trying to console me.

After calming down I told him I was now in Mumbai. He seemed shocked to know about my arrival.

"Where are you. Do you have any idea how much I looked for you." I told him through the phone my voice breaking.

"You looked for me." His voice sounded affected. "Tell me where you are. I will come to you."I told him my decision.

He was quiet for a minute then in low voice he began, " l am in the city hospital."

He told me the address. I quickly went and took a taxi to the hospital he was in.

I pushed open the door and went inside. It was empty. Nobody was there except for him.

He appeared to be resting. I went near him. He opened his eyes as if sensing my presence.

"Radhika you are here." He held his hand out for me to hold. I put my hand in his and observed him.

"Where are you hurt" I asked him. He pushed his shirt up for me to see.

It was bandaged around his waist. "You were stabbed." I asked him.

He shook his head and made shooting gesture with his hands. "What," my forehead creased into a frown.

He yanked me down to his level.

"I know you have a lot to ask me. I promise to tell you the entire truth. But not now." He said hoping I would listen to him.

I slowly nodded my head at him. "But not for long." I made my position clear.

I am willing to let it slide for now but sooner or later he will have to tell me the truth.

It took a week for his wounds to heal. I stayed with him the entire time.

Sometimes Raj came to visit us. But I felt he was a bit cold to Hrithik. Maybe it's just my imagination.

Finally the day for him to be discharged came. I went to complete the procedures leaving Raj alone with Hrithik.

On the way back I bumped into Jay.

"What are you doing here. I thought you worked in Apollo hospital." I asked him suspiciously as I noticed the badge of this hospital on his work coat.

"Miss Radhika, I mean Mrs Singhania, you see I am a free bird. No one can tie me up." It was my mistake I should not have noticed him nor should have talked to him.

I got out of the elevator. But before I could walk away, his words made me stop in my tracks.

"Are you sure you can trust him." He looked at me meaningfully when he said this.

But before I could ask him what he meant the lift door closed. 'No Radhika, don't let a stranger's words affect you.'
I told myself.

I walked back with a heavy heart. But as I reached to open the door I heard Raj threatening Hrithik.

"Don't you dare hurt my sister. If you make her cry again I will never forgive you." I hesitated to go in.

It was more like I wanted to know what his reply would be. " I will try my best." Is what he said.

Then it was completely silent. I pushed the door open and walked in.

"It's done we can leave now." I told them.

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