6 Missing

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My life with my in-laws wasn't as bad as I thought.

The days I spent with Hrithik brought me closer to him with each passing moment.

He was true to his words. He gave me enough space and never forced me into anything I hated.

He also respected my wishes and never stopped me from pursing my dreams.

My thoughts wandered in different directions while cutting the vegetables in the kitchen.

It had been a week since my marriage and today we have come to visit my family.

He was with my father and brother while me and my mother was in kitchen.

Mom came beside me and took the knife from my hand. While working on the veggies she asked me,

"your face looks rosy and livelier. Looks like you are happy at your in-laws."

I smiled cheekily at her. She shook her head at me. She kissed me on my forehead catching me off-guard.

"Seeing you like this makes us the most happiest." She said patting my head dotingly.

I felt my heart warming at her gesture. She returned her attention to the dishes once again.

The dinner with my family was a heartwarming moment for me. We all sat down together with laughter and merriness around the table.

Soon it was time for us to return. It was late when we got on the car to leave.

I leaned back on the seat. A strange sense of peacefulness evaded me. I soon fell asleep.

I didn't realise that we reached home. I opened my eyes when he lifted me up in bridal style.

Sensing my movement he looked down at me. "Woke up," he asked grinning at me.

I shook my head and got comfortable on his arms. He chuckled at me and continued walking inside.

I once again opened my eyes when he placed me down on the bed.

"Got to sleep." He said kissing me on the forehead.

This time I fell into a deep sleep with a smile on my lips.

Life went on in this happiness. I was not just a housewife but started a job hunt before our first month was over.

He had started a small company in the city. He became busy with work after the two week break.

He came home only on the weekends. It was true that I missed him but I was reluctant to go with him.

Since his business was situated in Mumbai, he wanted me to look for a Job there.

But I was hesitant to do so. Mumbai was a long distance away from our village. And I wanted to work in a nearby city.

So that whenever I become homesick I can rush back home instantly to our parents.

His mother was the village president and was busier than both of us. She would often go to the city seeking amenities for the village.

There were times when l had to stay alone. During those times I left for my parents house.

Though I often argued with my parents in the past that I wanted to be independent I found it difficult to leave behind the village where my family was at.

I made the bed to sleep in and went to the kitchen to refill the water jug. That was when I heard a car coming to stop.

I went near the window in the living room and looked out. Seeing the person coming out of the car I ran to open the door.

He smiled at me. I ran to him and hugged him tightly burying my face on his chest.

"Miss me." He asked hugging me back. I nodded my head on his chest.

"What are you both doing outside the house. Come inside and continue your lovey dovey behaviour otherwise people will say I have a shameless pair of children." His mom scolded us.

We both laughed and went inside the house.

I went into the kitchen to bring him a glass of water. While I brought in his water mom was talking to him.

"You usually never come on the week days. Is everything ok with your company." Mom was asking him the reason for his unexpected visit.

I sat down beside her and listened in on their conversation.

"I forgot to take a file." He said drinking the water.

"When did you suddenly become so forgetful." She teased him.

"It happens." He said while turning his attention to me. I felt my face heating up under his gaze.

MY HUSBAND Where stories live. Discover now