Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:So Feisty

Few Hours Later..

M/n POV:

"What the fuck", I say as I'm looking around in the unfamiliar room I'm in. "Where am I", I say before getting up and going to the door. When I try to open the door it was locked. I started banging on the door to see if anyone would let me out.

The Bedroom:

I was about to knock again until the door swung open and a tall guy stood at the door

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I was about to knock again until the door swung open and a tall guy stood at the door. "Who are you and where am I", I say in a confused tone. "First off I'm Yunho and you are in Seonghwa's room.", he told me in a calm tone. "Well can you let me leave this place", I asked. "No can do Seonghwa's order.", He replied with the same calm tone.

"I don't give a fuck my friends and family might be worried sick about me", I said before trying to push through him before he grabbed my waist and pulled me back into this "Seonghwa" room. "I already said you can't M/n", he said in a little pissed tone. "How do you know my name", I say confused. "Oh Seonghwa told us a lot about you", Yunho said.

3rd person POV:

"Who the fuck is Seonghwa-", M/n ask before he was interrupted. "Well angel that's me", A unknown man said before walking out the bathroom. "You are Seonghwa", M/n said in shock. "Why are you so shock you never heard of me", Seonghwa said with a smirk.

"Well let me tell you I'm the #1 mafia boss and soon as I laid my eyes on you I knew I wanted you for myself.", Seonghwa said with the same sick smirk. "Well to let your ass know I am not yours and never will be", M/n said yelling at Seonghwa. "Baby why so feisty", Seonghwa said before grabbing M/n waist. "What the-", M/n said but interrupted "Ummm guys I'm still here", Yunho said with a cringed expression. "Then fucking leave", Seonghwa said with a cold tone.

Few minutes later..

"Can you get your pervy hands off of me", M/n said with disgusted and uncomfortable tone. "How about no because your mine and will always be mine no matter how you feel about me", Seonghwa said in a deep tone. "The hell you say", M/n say before attempting to kick Seonghwa where the sun doesn't shine but Seonghwa blocks. "I expected this outta you but you will not try to hurt your future husband like this", Seonghwa said before pushing M/n on the bed and hovering over him.

"What do you mean future husband", M/n said with a confused look. "We are getting married in a few days", Seonghwa said with a smile before rubbing his hand on M/n waist.

"The fuck are you doing", M/n asked rudely. "Touching what's mine angel", Seonghwa answered with a smirk. "Im not yours and never will be yours", M/n said angrily. "You think im some type of object or property", M/n followed up with. "No I just know you are mine and only mine and I will kill others who think otherwise", Seonghwa said coldly.

M/n gulp as Seonghwa looks me dead in the eye while smirking. "Why me out of all people", M/n ask with rest of the confidence he had left in my body. "Simple, you looked beautiful and I knew I wanted you", Seonghwa said while M/n was still in shock. Before M/n could react Seonghwa had smashed his lips onto me. Seonghwa tried to go deeper but the then realized M/n wasn't going to let it happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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