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Pei Yujiang: "..."

She puffed up her chest: "I'm fine, not sick!"

When Yu Zhiwan burst out laughing, Pei Yujiang realized that the other party was joking with her, but since After realizing that she had strange feelings for Yu Zhiwan, she found even the relatively normal interactions in the past a bit strange and would subconsciously avoid them.

At the same time, Pei Yujiang was also keenly aware that Yu Zhiwan's name for him had changed to "Little Mr. Pei" instead of "Yujiang", but it was clearly Yu Zhiwan who came up with the unique title between the two.

There were so many people at the airport that it was difficult to talk. After the two of them got into the car on familiar roads, Yu Zhiwan sat in the passenger seat and asked her straight to the point: "How was your

conversation with Chang Cheng?"

Yu Zhiwan had seen her in the past. She always talks about life first and then work. Unless it is a very urgent situation, the order is generally not reversed.

In addition to the change of title, this change in order details also seemed to prove her change in attitude towards herself, which made Pei Yujiang feel a little frustrated.

However, she adjusts her emotions quickly, especially when it comes to such major events, and will not be delayed by her personal love for her children. Pei Yujiang quickly found an idea and described the two people that day to Yu Zhiwan in as concise and concise language as possible. meeting.

Even now, recalling Chief Xiang's demeanor at that time, doubts still linger in Pei Yujiang's mind. And as time went by, after calming down from the scene at that time, Pei Yujiang became more sure that Chief Xiang probably knew something.

"When I talked about the water plant, her expression started to look strange. I heard that Mrs. Chen and Chang Cheng had a very good relationship. At first, when she was playing in the KTV, she went out to meet that friend alone. I thought she was cheating on her. , but..."

Yu Zhiwan continued her words:

"But if she dotes on her wife very much, no matter what her wife does, she is willing to tolerate it?"

Xiangcheng started to make urban construction plans some time ago. I have always wanted to demolish an old park and use it as a welfare school for children of migrant workers. I have been busy planning it all day long.

Mrs. Chen originally came out to play with them. At that time, she received a call from Chief Xiang Cheng and hurried back. Seeing that she didn't look like she was on guard duty, Mrs. Chen ate something to fill her stomach and went back.

When Pei Yujiang was talking to her about something that day, Mayor Xiang initially said that he would only have two hours for her. Later, when he asked, he found out that it was Mayor Xiang who wanted to go on a date with her wife.

The two of them have not been married for a long time, probably only about two years now. The newlyweds like to stick together, and it seems to be a common interest between young lovers.

In other words, they are both interested in each other. What if Mrs. Chen does something during this period and Mayor Xiang chooses to be tolerant for love?

Pei Yujiang did not expose Mrs. Chen immediately, but if she did so in front of Mayor Xiang Cheng, or if the trouble became even bigger, what would be the outcome?

The more Pei Yujiang thought about it, the more frightened she became.

After the spring rain comes the mid-spring season, when everything revives and thaws, and the entire Yicheng City is washed several times by the gentle spring breeze and rain. The cold air gradually returns to the north, but the temperature at night is still only around ten degrees. When the vehicle leaves the basement In the parking lot, Pei Yujiang was a little hot, and she was actually sweating all over her body.

"Sister Yifang, that woman is gone, do you still want to continue to investigate as she said? I always feel that it will be a bit dangerous if it continues like this. Some old guys in Yicheng are still unkind and smile when nothing happens, but They can do what they do now, and they can't do it just by being kind and soft."

The day Pei Yujiang left, Chief Xiang's subordinates came over and were very dissatisfied with her wanting to help check the situation in Yicheng. Agree.

Although as the mayor of Xiangcheng, Liu Yifang has more power and connections than the mayor of Yicheng, after all, the two are in a parallel relationship. Is it possible to convict all the old guys in Yicheng just by listening to the woman's words? ?

Besides, if they really dare to do such a thing, they should be investigated by the higher-ups. If they want to be the first person, what if someone from the higher-ups takes over and throws off their official hat? Can you see the sun tomorrow?

Chief Xiang's full name is Liu Yifang, and she has been working in Xiangcheng for about three years. Although she has not been in office for a long time, people here are basically obedient to her.

Not to mention other things, just because of her courage to catch corrupt officials and her true desire to improve people's livelihood, many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for her. When Liu Yifang first took office, he went to investigate those with dirty hands. He even killed one of his relatives and was assassinated. He still has scars on his arms that cannot be completely healed.

Her confidants have been with her for several years and were transferred from other places. This is not Liu Yifang's first time as an official. Doing a good job in Xiangcheng is their biggest mission now. Knowing that Liu Yifang wanted to reach out elsewhere, even her upright subordinate felt it was unnecessary.

If what Pei Yujiang said is true, then there are hundreds if not thousands of people involved, and they are not simple people. If they are left to handle this kind of thing, it is a shame that the woman can figure it out. Yes, treat them as gunmen, right?

The subordinate angrily said:

"I think she is just for her company, and she pretends to be righteous. If her company hadn't been in this crisis today, she might be hiding in a corner watching the show." "Okay

. "

Liu Yifang waved her hand, indicating to her subordinates that there was no need to say any more. She had already made her own decision. The subordinates frowned in dissatisfaction, but they also knew that this person had a character that meant nothing. Although Liu Yifang was usually gentle and unassuming towards her subordinates, even nine cows could not pull back what she had decided.

Liu Yifang stood in the office, watching her subordinates retreat angrily. Her eyes were sore, and her chest seemed to still have the severe pain from the fast heartbeat.

At that time, when she heard Pei Yujiang clearly talking about the water plant, she felt her head buzzing and went blank, as if she had lost the ability to think, and gradually her consciousness returned to her brain.

Fortunately, fortunately, the changes in the water plant at this time have not reached the final moment. It may be too late to stop it now. It is not like in that dream. It has even invaded and infected the welfare home. Hospital staff and volunteers have also been infected.

Moreover, the virus had an incubation period at the beginning. When they returned home, they spread the virus to their families. In this way, it spread from ten to ten and hundreds of people. The entire Xiangcheng fell under the attack of the virus and turned into an unbreakable city. It would be a hell on earth, and it would no longer be as prosperous as it is now.

Liu Yifang had an extremely realistic dream some time ago.

She dreamed that an ordinary and unremarkable water plant in Xiangcheng's Economic Development Industrial Park turned into the source of a disaster. Some people are studying biological weapons inside, trying to create artificial zombies, and use this new "half-life body" that is not afraid of death or pain as a weapon to satisfy their own selfish desires.

The water plant was inconspicuous at all. She was so busy focusing on other places that she didn't notice the water plant at all. As a result, such a small omission caused irreparable huge losses.

Xiangcheng needs to register a trademark if he wants to open a store (including a factory), and the transfer of the store and factory is no exception. Logically speaking, if the water plant wants to be transferred to other businesses, it needs to be approved.

But she didn't get the document approved, and no one reported it to her. Mayor Xiang was busy with too many things every day and did not pay attention to the ownership of a small water plant in the industrial park.

Later, through a direct drone shot, the people in the orphanage had been turned into zombies. Images of them moving stiffly and letting out ear-piercing howls were reflected on the screen. She panicked and wanted to prepare again, but it was already too late. .

There are no soldiers in the park, and it will take time for reinforcements, enough for zombies to wipe out the entire economic development zone. Many workers are forced to take up weapons to drive away zombies. Such things are not afraid of pain or beating. Only by attacking the fatal vital points can they be eliminated. However, humans will also be assimilated as long as they are bitten, but it will be a little later and later. Just a little thing.

Too many people died and the situation became uncontrollable. Liu Yifang's eyes turned red.

Later, with the fall of Xiangcheng, she also learned that the situation outside was equally tragic. These experiments were hidden underground. Once they broke out, they only needed a medium.

It was at that time that Liu Yifang, who had been fighting on the front line one after another, finally found the opportunity to return home. The lights had been turned off. In order to save electricity and provide more electricity to the people, she did not allow too much electricity to be used at home, even Bathing is restricted.

Now most of the entire power plant has collapsed under the siege of zombies. The remaining people, carrying some necessary equipment, are using their lives to provide water and electricity to the people, but even so, people's livelihood is already in danger. The night she returned home, Yangyang cried and apologized to her, choking with sobs and saying that she shouldn't have let those people in the water plant come in.

Liu Yifang felt like she was struck by lightning and quickly asked her what the water plant was. Chen Shuyang then told her everything about her.

Yangyang's mother's family was in a very good family, but then something happened and the family went downhill. Yangyang likes luxury goods, so she tries her best to save her salary so that her wife can spend it as she wants. But she didn't expect that Chen Shuyang would do some shady transactions behind her back in private, even things like land sales. She dares to do it.

What Chen Shuyang didn't dare to do was buy or sell official positions. She felt that this would affect her official career.

"But it's just a water plant outside. I felt it wasn't important to you or Xiang Cheng, so I sold it. That person gave me a lot of money just to let people do business there. , needed..."

Chen Shuyang sobbed and threw herself into her arms, with a face full of fear:

"I didn't know they would do such a thing. I later learned that they did such a thing when the virus broke out. It's too late..."

For the first time, Liu Yifang couldn't help but aimed at Chen Shuyang's face and slapped her hard!

She is an Alpha after all, and her strength is much greater than that of ordinary women. This slap made Chen Shuyang's face red and swollen. She stared at herself half ashamed and half aggrieved. The two have been married for so long, and Liu Yifang usually can't Talking loudly to her.

Liu Yifang realized that she doted on her wife too much, which is why she did what she did today, but there was nothing she could do about it at this point. She couldn't bear to let her beloved wife stay here and be torn to pieces by zombies. , or were besieged by the crowd after being discovered.

Taking advantage of her authority, she sent people out, but she fought the zombies to the end. Even Liu Yifang's mother was willing to accompany her and stay to take care of the victims.

In that extremely real dream, Liu Yifang died of rebellion.

When she woke up, Yangyang slept soundly next to her, with a faint smile on her face.

At first, Liu Yifang only thought it was a nightmare, but the nightmare was more real and made her feel bad for several days.

After she woke up, she was busy, and it took a few days before she remembered to ask Yangyang about the water plant, but Yangyang hesitated and didn't tell her. At that time, Liu Yifang had a guess. Then Pei Yujiang came to find her again. It wasn't until Pei Yujiang described the scene that was almost the same as in her dream that she realized that this was not a simple dream.

Regardless of whether she has the ability to predict or something else, Liu Yifang has been able to conclude that these things will happen in the future, and her wife has probably sold the water plant to those people now. She cannot act rashly, but There is also a burning anger in my heart.

Yangyang called her again. She usually likes to stick to her like this, which gives her a great sense of security.

Chen Shuyang is not very beautiful, but they are former classmates. They have been in love since then. They have spent so many years of ups and downs together, and they both trust each other very much. But now Liu Yifang sees Chen Shuyang's call, and feels unhappy in her heart. There is no tenderness.

Liu Yifang hung up the phone with a snap.

"So, if Mayor Xiang already knows about this matter, but wants to cover up his wife to the end, this person cannot be trusted." Yu Zhiwan sat in the passenger seat, opened the window to let in the cold

wind After getting into the car, the two of them were very clear-headed.

Thinking of this possibility, all of Pei Yujiang's previous good mood disappeared.

She originally thought that finding Chief Xiang was equivalent to finding a third extremely reliable ally, but if this was the case, no matter what the reason was for her to choose to stay and die with the zombies in her previous life, just because she protected her wife At this point, Pei Yujiang couldn't completely give her back.

"Love brain is really scary."

Pei Yujiang shook her head and concluded.

Although she has recently noticed that she has a vague affection for Yu Zhiwan, she is definitely not in love to such an extent that she will do whatever it takes to hide the wrong things she has done for him, and even let down the people of the city for her. .

In the end, Liu Yifang made another choice. What's the use of staying here? The wrong thing has already been done and she has to bear the consequences for her wife?

The car turned the corner in silence and drove on the bright avenue of Xiangcheng. The bright light of the neon lights followed the taillights of the car. Passing the highway bridge, one could see the streets of Xiangcheng still bustling at night.

After saying this, the two were silent for a while. Pei Yujiang felt that Yu Zhiwan's attitude towards her in the past few days was obviously not right. After thinking about it, she didn't seem to have done anything wrong, so she couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable. Wronged.

The car passed another traffic light and was getting closer to home. Pei Yujiang breathed in the cold wind that poured in from the window. After all, she couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at her. There was a grievance in her eyes that she was not aware of, and the corner of her mouth Also left behind.

"Yu Zhiwan," she thought for a while before speaking. Taking advantage of this breath, she mustered up the courage to ask clearly, "Are you angry with me?" At this point, Pei Yujiang lowered her voice. "Angry that I called you 'wife' when you were at my house during your fever period?" "

Are you angry that I carried you to take a shower? Are you angry that I let you sit on my lap and hold you?" "

But, the wife is you. The one who yelled first, and you took the initiative to hug me. Just because you are an Omega, you cannot think that I am taking advantage of you. I am not an Alpha, so I cannot mark you. I touched your glands because you were not in a good condition at the time and had to do that. , and then I let go. I definitely didn't bother you, nor did I take the initiative to touch your glands to see your glands. Don't be angry, okay?" "Sister Edamaru, please pay attention to me~" Pei Yujiang said the last


. Go up and act coquettishly in front of Omega once, twice, or three times and practice makes perfect. She wasn't sure whether Yu Zhiwan would do this before. It was said that many Omegas like to act coquettishly themselves, but they don't like others to act coquettishly towards them.

But when she saw that the corners of Yu Zhiwan's lips were slightly upward, different from the previous gentle curve, Pei Yujiang immediately became excited like an Alaskan dog who had succeeded in being cute.

Yu Zhiwan coughed lightly and looked helpless:

"You didn't leave a chance for me to speak just now."

Before Pei Yujiang could answer, Yu Zhiwan said again:

"Actually, I don't even remember what you just said. ."

Pei Yujiang suddenly coughed violently, and Yu Zhiwan quickly pressed down his car window. In the driver's seat, the woman closed all the windows of the car, but her cheeks and ears felt a little hot.

She quickly changed the subject.

When they were almost home, Yu Zhiwan took the initiative to say that he was a little hungry, and the two found a parking space near the snack street and stopped.

Because it was near a community at this time, there were many stalls in the night market, but many of the items on the stalls were not clean enough, so the two of them still went to the fan shop they often went to.

During the day, the couple was doing it, and at night it was their daughter. The girl was about the same age as them, and she recognized the two of them, so she brought two steaming bowls of beef noodles.

Pei Yujiang was hungry. When she smelled the aroma of beef powder, she suddenly felt that her greedy appetites were aroused. The young woman smiled at them and said, "Don't be in a hurry, you two just came back from going out to play."

? You haven't eaten yet. These two bowls of beef noodles don't count. If there are drinks over there, you can take them yourself and help us taste them." The beef noodles are cooked with broth and some ground beef is used

. Bones, stir in milk powder, rich flavor. Pei Yujiang took a sip of the soup as soon as she came up. It was very fragrant, and she was so happy that her eyes narrowed slightly.

She found the right place when she first found it. Not only was the accommodation comfortable, but the owners of the street food shop were also very nice.

After finishing the beef noodles, Pei Yujiang was too embarrassed not to pay. In addition, if she returned to Xiangcheng later, she might not come to eat for a long time, so she stuffed a hundred yuan bill under the used bowl.

After doing the little trick, Pei Yujiang pretended to drink soup and waited for Yu Zhiwan next to him to finish. Yu Zhiwan eats slower than her and likes to chew slowly. Pei Yujiang never rushes her or stares at her mobile phone.

Seeing that Yu Zhiwan had almost eaten, she went to get a tissue and handed it to him as usual. Unexpectedly, the soup from the corner of her lips flowed down at this moment.

Pei Yujiang subconsciously put the tissue against the corner of her lips and pressed it gently. The part of the tissue that absorbed the soup was quickly stained. Pei Yujiang folded the rest and gently wiped her lips again. Then crumpled it into a ball, turned it into a parabola and threw it into the trash can.

There was no one in the noodle shop now. Pei Yujiang was too focused just now and didn't notice. The boss's daughter was holding the table with one hand and looking at them, smiling narrowly and kindly.

Her eyes were full of envy, and she joked while cleaning the table:

"Did you move here after you got married? I've never seen you two before. You two have such a good relationship." "


"We're not married. She is my boss, and I am her subordinate, but I just live next door."

This time it was Yu Zhiwan who was the first to explain. Pei Yujiang moved her lips, but in the end said nothing, and just stared at her in silence for a moment. .

The boss's daughter seemed to have heard some terrible gossip. She said "Ah" and opened her mouth for a long time without closing it until she watched the two of them walk out of the noodle shop and noticed that Pei Yujiang had stuffed it under the bowl. Money, it was already too late when I chased it out.

Pei Yujiang parked the car here, and the two walked home together. When they reached the gate of the community, the surroundings became noticeably quieter. You could even hear the creaking sound of Yu Zhiwan's wheelchair rolling on the ground.

There was a bit of silence along the way, and Pei Yujiang felt a little uncomfortable.

She had indeed explained her relationship with Yu Zhiwan in person more than once, but when the blurred boundary beyond friendship was completely restored to its original shape, her heart seemed to be pulled back and forth by an invisible slender thread, grinding out the clear and shallow A subtle, yet unavoidable pain.

When they reached the parting section, Yu Zhiwan was already very familiar with this place, so Pei Yujiang did not take her to continue walking, but silently planned to leave and go back to her home for the first time.

"Fish sauce."

But she heard a familiar voice calling her from behind, and Pei Yujiang turned around subconsciously. Under the light of the street lamp and moonlight, Omega's face looked like a ripe and plump white peach. The delicate snow skin and fine, soft and dense hair are clearly visible. Those almond-shaped eyes narrowed slightly, as if smiling:

"Love does make people blind and dazzled sometimes, but don't worry, I won't."

Pei Yujiang didn't know how to reply to her.

Her heart was sour and swollen, and the ups and downs of her emotions reached their peak the moment she saw Yu Zhiwan turn around. The accumulated entanglements were swept to the back of her mind. At that moment, she almost shouted. She had never spoken to Yu Zhiwan so loudly. Zhiwan said:

"Then I won't chase you, won't you?"

See you at 12 o'clock tomorrow, waving! Tomorrow will be 10,000. I will try my best to make 10,000 every weekend this month.

The cannon fodder boss who dresses as a disabled heroine GL MTLМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя