House of Mon amour, part 1

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The next day.

Out far into the city past Ushin, the lights of the city were immaculate and beautiful; they radiated perfection and a loving light bloomed from. Their bulbs. The buildings were massive, a claustrophobic feeling came over those that stared at them; they're massive condense architecture. All of them were soo tight to togther that seeing one away from the flock almost look put of this world.

The City was separated into three large sections, the upper class, middle and lower. Cars moved through the streets, the rain of the day gave it a gloom and sort of somerset feeling to the world around them. During that day Mr.Nakayama was driving through the streets with Mr.Miyuki.

"Nakayama?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Yes?" He asked as he stopped at a stoplight.

"I understand going aginst the chef and wanting to still work on the case a bit, but..." Mr.Miyuki said as he tapped on the dashboard.

"But what?" Mr.Nakayama said

"But why in the hell did we have to bring her?" Mr.Miyuki said point back, to which the two men looked back and stared at Mrs.Mihara who was sitting in the back seat, she was on her phone when she looked up at them. She gave them both a small wave.

"I told you already, she knows the human behavior and mind, beyond that too. If we can get any kind of help catching this lunatic it may just be here. Besides the doctors in there highly recommend her for something like this. Say she's the best they got besides the head doctor." Mr.Nakayama said as the light turned green. He then proceeded to drive, making a left down a another street.

"Is she going to be...psychoanalyzing? Cause if so I'd rather not be. I heard a few things?" Mr.Miyuki said

"Hopefully nothing bad, I assure you that psychoanalyzing benefits the person being analyzed far more than you realize." Mrs.Mihara said as she put her phone in her side purse.

"Geez, you sound like your son." Mr.Miyuki said as he sat back down in his seat facing the road. Mr.Nakayama then began to tune them out.

"Speaking of my dear boy, I heard about him and that Takashi boy getting some one on one time with you. How did it go Mr.Miyuki?" Mrs.Mihara asked, Mr.Miyuki stared at the road hard. His mind racing at the thoughts of his discussion with Kibe, how cold and distant he came off. The boy was weird, abnormal...alien even.

"...Hes, something else. Can't say he's perfect, cause I don't know anyone who talked like that." Mr.Miyuki said

"Well, he use to he a little...different when he was younger." Mrs.Mihara said, Mr.Nakayama then started to pay attention to what their conversation was.

"How different?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Well, when he was just a boy, he was so energetic. He loved playing ball, oh he was so good at it. You could see him throw it so far. He was also very friendly. He loved people and loved making friends.

..." Mrs.Mihara said as her tone got a bit low, her face got low too. Looked a bit sad as she took off her glasses. Mr.Miyuki looked in the mirror at her.

"...Mihara, I didn't mean-"

"But he's different now, much more formal and well-behaved. He's turned into quite the perfect gentleman." Mrs.Mihara said, her change of tone going from sorrowful to something more indifferent and almost distant to her son's supposed change. All three of them then arrived at one of the suicide crime scenes. Police weren't all too there, but a few officers were present. Mrs.Mihara exited the car after Mr.Nakayama and Miyuki. As she got there she saw all the police lines, and officers there taking notes, getting evidence and of course studying the crime scene.

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