Mental Dinner

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Kibe and Mrs.Mihara were eating breakfast. While Kibe was watching the astrology channel, Mrs.Mihara was doing some work on psych evals. Paperwork making sure the people she checked off were capable of going back to work. Kibe's eyes looked to her paperwork for a moment as he sipped his tea.

"What are you doing?" Mrs.Mihara asked smugly, Kibe took another sip of his tea.

"Those Psychological evaluations, are they on the police?" Kibe asked as he and his mother eye contact.

"Ah, from that look I'd say yes." Kibe said, thats when his mother would reach over flick Kibe in the head.

"Ow." He grunted

"Dont do that."she said waving her pen.

"Do what? What am I doing?" Kibe asked

"You know what, I'm not a patient nor will or should you be evaluating me." Mrs.Mihara said as she fixed her glasses and kept working. Kibe just looked at her and then finished sipping his drink.

"You know, while you've been out and about. The people in the states have had some rumors going around about their scientist, about them finding a wormhole. Ya'know, those fun little tubes in space." Mrs.Mihara said as she made childish space noises. Kibe chuckled as he poured himself some more tea.

"Wormholes are mere fiction, so technically is the rest of the universe." Kibe said

"The school has given you students a small break thanks to all this ruckus. Might give you a chance to finally make some more friends." Mrs.Mihara said

"Friends are like watches. I only need see them, reveal them, use them. When they're needed, otherwise they remain under my sleeve." Kibe said

"Sounds like you may be afraid to wear them on your sleeve." Mrs.Mihara said as she checked off a box.

"Are you psychoanalyzing me?" Kibe asked to which his mother just chuckled. Kibe and her continued to enjoy they're early morning. Exercising together, both doing yoga and helping the other distress they're muscles. Kibe went to the kitchen and grinded up some leaves and herbs in a bowl. He then began to grind them and mix them into a tea.

"So, shall we?" Mrs.Mihara said, Kibe looked to her and then went back to stirring the herbs and tea.

"Your memories, you say you've been seeing them come and churn together right? Like a mixture." Mrs.Mihara said

"...My memories, I've begun to question the validation of some of them. The jump in between some years has given me some worry.

But nothing too bad, I do believe that my keys to most of obstacles. If I'm to call them that. Do indeed rest within my memory palace.

Placed on my shelves of human psychology and behavioral management." Kibe said as he finished steering and smelt his sedative tea. Mrs.Mihara looked at her hands.

"Remember, your memory palace and what you put in there are entirely up to you. No-" thats when a knock at the door would occur. Kibe began to drink his sedative tea, which opened up his mind and heightened his sensors. He then walked out into the backyard while Mrs.Mihara answered the door to see Jun standing there. Wearing a blue hoodie, sweat pants and sneakers.

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